Thursday, October 30, 2008

MBAs During Recession : Advice From Gautam Ghosh

Its a great pleasure to present a guest post from Mr Gautam Ghosh on a topic which is currently on the top of the mind of all MBA students who are facing a dull placement season this year.

Gautam Ghosh is an HR Consultant based out of Delhi. An MBA in HR from the prestigious XLRI Jamshedpur, Gautam had an illustrious career in organisations like Deliotte and Touche, Hewlett Packard, Dell and Satyam before venturing into the field of HR Consulting.

An expert in the field of Human Resources Management, Gautam is also an avid blogger. His HR Blog is listed among the top 25 best HR blog by HR World. You can read his blog at and

I am sure that readers of marketing practice will greatly benefit from the insights and advice from Gautam

How to prepare for placements in tough times .

First of all Harish, thanks for giving me this opportunity to write a guest post. As we all know the economic scenario worldwide is yo-yo'ing and is not one for the faint hearted.

When Harish asked me if I could write a post for students who are looking at graduate into a tough job market, I wondered what I could say to these young bright students.

Then it struck me. Placements are a time for marketing yourself, and in this tough market the principles of marketing become relevant more than ever.

So here are a few thoughts:

1. Be a quality product. As any marketer worth his salt will let you know, there is only so much you can do to sell an average product. Being an outstanding product goes a long way to make the marketing easier. That means not just raw intelligence but a lot of emotional quotient also. The ability to build relationships and get things done. The courage to take decisions. All these matter in addition to your ability to analyze numbers and define processes.

2. First generalise then specialise. Brands and marketers live and breathe segmentation. However, as an individual in the brand bazaar it's always better to generalise more and more and then decide on when to specialise. The upsides of specialisation is that during boom times you can command a premium, but the downside is that during a period of slump the generalists are the last to get laid off. Take the decision depending on how much risk you can take

3. Keep developing and evolving - Brands need to continuously develop and be relevant to the context. As a professional that is imperative too. Building skills and keeping an open mindset (to new horizons, mobility etc) is key to developing as a professional.

4. Prove your worth. As the economy slows, people's perception of what you can do would be different than what they would have assumed a year ago. Their risk taking propensity would have reduced, so be prepared to prove your worth before any additional work is given your way. Credibility would have to be earned and not assumed.

5. The start is just the start not the end. I know how stressful placement days can be. I lived through some of the most harrowing days of my life from days 1 to 3 in my campus placement season when 'dream company' after 'dream company' rejected me. Looking back, I can only see what seems obvious now. The first job has little or no bearing on where you are in ten years. The only case where it has a bearing on is you're lucky to join a job which you stick to for decades. Yes even in this day and age. There are some lucky folks like that too.

Gautam Ghosh

Related Post
MBAs During Recession

Jawbone #227: BFF's

This show. So very tired. Stories of the new puppy. Sleeping like Shemp. Calling my new BFF. All this and a barbershop quartet. Enjoy! A note: when I called my BFF during the middle of the show, it didn't record his message. Ah well. Skype hates me.

Chance | Happening
What's Next Quartet

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My Appearance on 190 North

It's been posted! It's short, but hey, it's still TV. Turns out I didn't need to be so worried about my wardrobe after all. Check it out.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brand Update : Cadbury's Dairy Milk Shots

Dairy milk has launched a new product called Dairy Milk Shots. The product is not a bar chocolate but a candy. The ball shaped candy is milk with chocolate cover. The new variant is being promoted in various television channels

Watch the TVC here : Mann Mein Laddoo

The product is being equated to Laddoo ( an Indian Sweet ) and is being promoted using the tagline " Mann main Laddoo " .

Diary Milk had earlier extended itself into Eclairs. This is another stretch for the brand which is synonymous with Bar Chocolate in India.

Cadbury's Dairy Milk Shots has already been in existence in other parts of the world. The brand is currently priced at Rs 2 for a pack of two shots.

Earlier the rival Nestle's brand Munch had launched a similar kind of product called Munch Pop Chocs.

I personally have negative opinion against too many brand extensions . But in a product category like confectioneries , one is forced to get into various extensions inorder to keep the product in the limelight. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Shots will attract those who want little doses of Chocolate and its a good one to share too.

Related Brand
Cadbury's Dairy Milk

Powder Compact Vintage Accessories

Beauty cosmetics

Powder Compact Vintage Accessories. This easy to bring in your pocket or hand bag.

Chantecaille Coral Compact

Beauty cosmetics

Chantecaille Coral Compact. The other choice for your special beauty makeup.

Maquillage Compact Powder

Beauty cosmetics

Maquillage compact powder. Beauty cosmetics for your makeup.

Beauty Cosmetics from Clean & Clear Series

Beauty Cosmetics

Beauty Cosmetics from Clean & Clear Series

Compact Powder from VIVA Beauty Cosmetics

Beauty Cosmetics

Compact Powder from VIVA Beauty Cosmetics.
Since reverting back to using compact powder foundation, I’ve been obsessing with the application techniques to ensure that I get the best coverage without having my makeup looking all cakey and streaky.

Tattoo You...With Me!

Got this from a YouTube viewer today. He was really taken by my art for Jonathan Coulton's song "Octopus" that he decided to get a tattoo of it. This marks the second person (at least that I know of) that has my art on their person. The first, of course, is Bryan of Hometown Tales. If you choose to get my art tattooed on you, please send me the pics. I would love to see them!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


In case you've wondered what it sounds like, here ya go. Thanks to Dan for this find.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Finally! A Candidate I Can Truly Endorse!

Remember to get out there and vote next week, regardless of who you back. That is all. Thanks for the link Laughing Squid!

Bio Fresh : Making Fruits and Vegetables Healthy

Brand : Bio Fresh
Company : Blue Saffire Trading Corporation

Brand Analysis Count : 355

Bio Fresh is a new product that has been launched in Kerala recently . Marketing is about meeting needs profitably and successful marketers are able to identify the needs by closely watching the marketing environment. Bio Fresh is such an initiative by a little known company.

Bio Fresh is an organic cleanser which can be used to clean fruits and vegetables. We all are aware that there is an indiscriminate use of pesticides and harmful chemicals on fruits and vegetables . There are cases where fruits like Apple are waxed inorder to preserve it and make it look fresh.

Although there are many incidence of poisoning reported because of this indiscriminate use of harmful chemicals, nothing has been done by government or authorities to check such contamination. Infact India does not have a regulatory and infrastructural framework to check such contamination on vegetable and fruits.

One one hand, doctors and health practitioners exhort public to eat more fruits and vegetables and on the other hand there are growing concern about the harmful chemicals being present on raw fruits and vegetables.

It is in this context that a product like Bio Fresh gains importance. According to the company website and newspaper reports :

" Bio Fresh is an organic cleanser made of extracts from microbes and citric acid which has the ability to clean fruit and vegetables from pesticide and insecticide residues. It is even able to clean the waxing on fruits . The product does not leave any after tastes or residues"

The pesticide and insecticide residues normally cannot be cleaned effectively using running water. The company claims that Bio Fresh can clean fruits and vegetables from such contamination.

The brand is currently available in select cities in Kerala. Bio Fresh is retailing at Rs 79 for 200 ml bottle.
The company has been running some print and visual campaigns in Kerala.

My first impression about this product is highly positive. It really address a common problem faced by households. But that does not guarantee the success of a product.

Although most of the households are aware of the problem of contamination, Bio Fresh has the tough task of convincing the homemakers that this brand is the savior.

The problem I see is that how will Bio Fresh convince the customer that it cleans these fruits and vegetables from pesticides ? The benefit cannot be visually seen by the consumer. Hence convincing the homemaker is not going to be an easy task . For a brand to be able to convince the customer about its benefits, the benefits must be observable.

Although I have not used the product, I feel that the benefits cannot be observed by the consumer. ( I will use it an update on this soon ). And if it is not observable, will the consumer pay and use this brand continuously believing the claims ?

So how can a marketer be able to convince a customer on some intangible un-observable benefits ? The idea will be to tangibilise and make it observable. The brand can use clinical and laboratory tests to prove its efficacy and use those test results to convince the customer.

Using influencers like doctors and health specialists can go a long way in building trust among the consumers. Brands like Colgate and Johnson and Johnson use doctors ( or models posing as doctors) to build the trust for their products. Bio Fresh also need endorsements from such trust -worthy source inorder to break into homemaker's mind.

If the claims are true Bio Fresh is a product that can give lot of homemakers relief specially in households where there are kids .

Caption This: 10-27-08

Fashionista by Bare Essentials

beauty cosmetics

Minerals are not new, and now most cosmetic lines offer at least one line of mineral cosmetics. But Bare Essentials was one of the pioneers of this magical dust that boast the ability to provide coverage without clogging pores -- a claim has not been proven true to this undercover fashionista.

Lipstick for Your Sexy Lips


Lipstick for Your Sexy Lips

Za Set for Beauty Cosmetics Solution

Beauty Cosmetics

Za Set for Beauty Cosmetics Solution

Red Lipstick for Sexy Lips

cosmetic makeup

Red Lipstick for Sexy Lips

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Len TV: D-Day

On October 25th, we picked up the newest member of our family, a soft coated wheaten terrier. It was a surprise birthday gift for our eldest daughter's 8th birthday. Luckily, we recorded the moment of her meeting her new pet for the first time and we're happy to share the moment with you. Happy Birthday, Siena!

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

MBAs during Recession

Lot of readers of this blog are MBA students so I thought I would share my thoughts about the tough times ahead for aspiring management graduates.

This is placement season in most of the business schools and the worried look on the face of my colleagues in placement team confirm the fact that things are not rosy out there. Companies have cut back on their campus visits and jobs are slowly but surely drying up.

I think its time to do some reality check.

All the students who are now sitting for placements this season entered the MBA course when things were nothing but perfect. Last five years was the best period for any professional students.
Irrespective of the size and quality of the school, recruiters came in and took people in bulk. I used to tell the students that this is the right time to enter the job market armed with a management qualification.

Suddenly things are not the same.

Accept the Reality

I would urge my students across the campuses to please accept the fact that times are going to be tough. There is no need to deny the inevitable. We are in a slowdown. There will not be mass recruiters coming in and taking 50 or 100 students at a time.

According to placement co-ordinators, the number of companies visiting the campus may see a 50% drop.

Companies are going to be choosy

Having said that , I don't think that there will not be jobs. There will be lot of jobs. Even during economic slump, corporates need people. But the demand for human resources is going to come down drastically .

So companies are going to be choosy. Earlier during growth period, companies used to recruit in plenty because they were expanding very fast and time was short to pick and choose.
So the HR departments took the " Swim or Sink " approach where they recruited plenty without much scrutiny ( cannot afford to be because demand is huge ) . The idea is that those who can swim will survive and others will move out .

At one point of time, talk of the town was that anybody who can speak well will get a job. But now corporates cannot afford to splurge.

That means there will be less number of jobs and more candidates.

IIMs and top tier 1 business schools may not suffer much but the hit will be taken by the tier 2 and lower level business schools.

So What should MBA students do now ?

I am giving certain thoughts and would urge you to please put in your thoughts too in the comments section.

Be Realistic

Its time to crash- land. Please accept the fact that salaries are going to be low this time. You cannot blame either the college or the industries for doing that . The fact is that most of the corporates are tightening their budgets.

Hence be prepared to work on a reasonable package. I have to emphasis on the term " reasonable " because most of the students have their salary expectations based on the time when they joined . What I learn is that the salaries offered to freshers have come down by 30 %.

Most of the companies are now linking salary to performance ( usual practice !) and hence be realistic in your expectations. So when an offer comes to you with a reasonable salary, accept it. The focus should be on survival.

Start your workout

Its time for the students to have a self- assessment about the skills and knowledge . When the jobs are less and competition is more, you have to be prepared to fight hard to convince the recruiters that you are worth it.

Please accept the fact that No recruiter will take you because you have an MBA degree . They will take you for your skills . If you are able to prove your worth, you will win the job.

So do the following activities :

Be aware
Read business dailies and magazines and prepare notes on the major issue that are haunting global economies .
Brush up your communication skills.
In the past you will be recruited if you have good communication skill. But now you will be rejected if you do not have communication skill. ( Have you understood the difference ? ) .

Know the funda well
Those who tell that theory and practice are different is giving you wrong ideas.
How will a recruiter check whether you work hard ?
He will ask you fundas .
If you cannot answer then it shows that you cannot do your work well. So make sure that you are prepared to face funda questions .

Don't hate sales jobs, start loving it
I teach a course on Sales Management and I know the negative vibes from the students towards sales jobs. But remember that sales jobs are easy to get especially during recession times. If you can prove the recruiter that you can give him good volumes, he cannot resist taking you .
So be open to selling insurance , soaps or beedis whether you are a finance pro or an HR diva ( pun intended)

Even if you lack communication skills, one factor that can land you a job is having the Attitude. But alas no business school teaches how to have that attitude. I have seen many students with funda and communication skills fail because of attitude.

What are those critical soft skills that recruiters look for :

Confidence in yourself. But make sure that you understand the difference between confidence and arrogance.

Ability to do basic work : Recruiters love people who can DO Stuff. So if you can convince them that you love getting dirty on the field to get things done, you can get that dream job.

Clarity of thought : Are you clear about what you are and where you want to be ?

And the most important of all is

Proof /Evidence
Can you give proof that the person that the recruiter is looking for is you. If not then try to get those proofs.
Give recruiters proof that you are hardworking .
Give them proofs that you are a leader .
Give them proofs that you can deliver what is expected out of you.

Evidence can be in the form of awards , accolades, stories , personal reference, project reports , activities etc.
If you do not have proofs or evidence to support your claims then you will have tough time convincing the recruiters.

Its not late , so start building your case with stories and evidences.

All the very best.

Jawbone #226: Dog Day Afternoon

On this episode, we talk about the newest member of our family. We are totally out of our element and we admit it. Listen in and hear how we have been broken down by our eldest daughter. Happy Birthday, Sisi!

The Robots Are Coming (So We Might As Well Dance) | Manny Jasus

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Foundation for Skin from Maybelline

cosmetic solutions

Foundation for Skin from Maybelline

1. Skin 79 derma rx 100% Bringing in some more update next week

2. Elianto cream foundation o4 pinky 70%

3. Maybelline gel foundation 70%

4. Kji & co firm 590%

Beauty Cosmetics from Elianto Cosmetic Company

Beauty Cosmetics, Cosmetic Company

Beauty Cosmetics from Elianto Cosmetic Company :

1. Elianto super brilliant color powder purple 90% RM 10

2. The face shop dewy flower moist loose powder (lavander) 85% RM15

3. Missha eyeshadow orange 70% RM 5(sold to bbfrenz)

4. Red earth lip balm 99% RM 20

Beauty Solutions for Pretty Young Girls Face

Beauty Solutions

Beauty Solutions for Pretty Young Girls Face. There are :

1. Elianto sparkle powder 99% RM 10

2. Skin food black eyeliner with shimering effect80% RM 8

3. Sasa black eyeliner with shimering effect 50 % RM 8

4. Maybelline brow liner 90% RM 5

5. Maybelline shinny black mascara 80% RM10(sold david tao)

6. Maybelline 3d essence 404 80% RM10

7. Anna sui mascara (full) 70% Rm 40 (ori: rm 97)

8. Pretty girl lipstick , orange 99% rm 5(sold to bbfrenz)

Real Brush and Pen Eyeliner from Lioele

beauty cosmetics, cosmetic makup

Real Brush and Pen Eyeliner from Lioele for your completed beauty cosmetics makeup.

Lioele Beyond Solution BB Cream

cosmetic solutions

After a final skin care stage, apply as appropriate amount on the desired part or the whole face evenly and make is being absorbed. You can complete make up speedily as it does not require any make up base or foundation.

New Watchmen Trailer Looks Really Bad

And by bad I mean GOOD! See what I did there? Anyway, I was excited after the first trailer but now, this is shaping up, for me at least, to be the must-see movie of next year. Check out the whole thing in all its glory here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Omega : The Choice

Brand : Omega
Company : SMH

Brand Analysis Count : 354

Omega is a leader in the Rs 600 crore luxury watch market in India. The brand which is an aspirational brand has a long history dating back to 1848. The brand had its origin in Switzerland in 1848 when a young man named Louis Brandt started assembling high precision watches.

But it was in 1894 that Omega as a brand was created. The brand and the company went through lot of turmoils through these periods. In 1930 during the depression, the company merged with other watch makers to form SSIH. The merger was to withstand the economic turmoil at that time.

In 1980 , the brand again went in to financial crisis. SSIH then merged with another watchmaker ASUAG to form ASUAG-SSIH. Now ASUAG-SSIH is owned by a private group and the company has been renamed as SMH. SMH owns some of the iconic watch brands like Tissot, Swatch , Longines and Rado.

Omega has been very active in the Indian market for the last four years. The brand was present in the country through imports but now with the government allowing single brand retail formats for foreign brands , Omega is in full swing to tap the Indian market.

Indian market is a unique market for the watch category. I was surprised to find that the penetration of watches among Indians is abysmally low. According to reports the penetration is only 27 %. That means only 27% of Indians own a watch. The total watch industry is around Rs 2500 crores in terms of value.

The market is broadly divided into low, mass market , premium and luxury segments. 85% of the market is for watches below Rs 500.

Although the bulk of the market is at the bottom of the pyramid, the top the line watch market is growing at a rate of 25 - 30 % . Most of the growth is attributed to the economic growth witnessed by India. With new jobs and profiles taking Indians to new heights of luxury, accessories like watches gain importance in the shopping list.

Its in this context that Omega began its aggressive campaigns in India. Now most of the business and lifestyle magazine have atleast one Omega print advertisement.

Omega's marketing practice is heavily depended on Celebrity endorsements. Its a brand that has successfully used celebrities to create differentiation. Its celebrity endorsers contain the who is who of the world. Some of the celebrity who has endorsed Omega are
Cindy Crawford
George Clooney
Michelle Wie
Michael Schumacher
Nicole Kidman
Ellen Macarther
Ian Thorpe
Michael Phelps
Eugene Cernan and
our very own Abhishek Bachchan

But the most celebrated and famous brand ambassador for Omega is James Bond. I think its the first brand that has a brand ambassador in a movie character rather than the actor. Bond has been wearing Omega watches since 1995 with the movie Golden Eye. The association has been strong and Omega celebrates the launch of the Bond movies through events and special editions. In the latest Bond movie , Daniel Craig wears an Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean 600m Co-axial Chronometer with a black dial.

These brand ambassadors give a special touch of luxury to the brand. But Omega is not dependant on any of these brand ambassadors and has a personality of its own. Omega is a classic case of a brand using celebrities to its advantage.

Along with the ads, the brand is also active in connecting to the customers through events. Like any other luxury brands, Omega also sponsors sports events because sports form an important part of lifestyle.

Omega was successful because of the secondary association of its country of origin ( Switzerland). The brand has its strength in quality, brand and its heritage. What has made this brand aspirational is the consistent campaigns with a common theme. The brand is positioned as the preferred choice or the rich and famous.

Omega has a distinct advantage derived out of its heritage and strong brand equity. Since Indian consumers are well connected with the world outside, the brand's campaigns using international iconic stars works well with Indian consumers. The brand has also added a touch of local flavor by adding Abhishek Bachchan to the list.

The Mole-men Have Arrived!

The new site (designed by moi) for the 700 Mole-Men, the companion to the 700 Hoboes viral art project that was launched by Drawn and Boing Boing oh so many years ago - and incidentally had this blog embroiled in some controversy at the onset - is now up and ready to be viewed. The 700 Mole-Men are from the new book "More Information Than You Require" by author, Daily Show correspondent, Mac spokesperson and friend of the show, John Hodgman, The site was programmed by Whiz Kid Dan Coulter and features my art as well as the images of Adam Koford, Mike Peterson, Ben Rollman and Sunday Williams. You can join the fun too! Just join the 700 Mole-Men Group at Flickr, add your photos and they will show up on the site. Oh and don't forget to pick up Hodgman's new book, available at all fine book retailers everywhere.

BTW, as I was linking up the post, I found this brilliant piece of art by Mike AKA Hal.

Man, am I behind.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Brand Update : Clinic All Clear

Yesterday when I visited a local shop, I noticed the new Clinic All Clear shampoo sachet. I was quite surprised by the new look of the brand. On close look, I had a feeling that the brand is silently going for a rebranding and repositioning exercise but a very discreet one.

Clinic All Clear brand is the Indian version of 'Clear ' brand which is the global brand from Unilever. By looking at the new packs and logo and the way Clinic All Clear is written on the pack, HUL is slowly rebranding Clinic All Clear as Clear.

As we know Clinic All Clear has couple of line extensions. There is Clinic Plus positioned as a family brand and also a variant for men.

Clinic All Clear is now running a new campaign featuring the brand ambassadors Bipasha and John . You can watch the new commercial at the brand's website :

The new ad reveals the new positioning of the brand. The brand has moved from ' No Dandruff ' to " Soft and Silky Hair " which is a major change in its positioning.

Does it mean that the brand has discarded its core positioning of being an anti-dandruff shampoo ? The faq in the website say that the brand retains its core positioning of no-dandruff but is adding additional benefits of soft and silky hair . In line with the global positioning, the brand now have Vita-Ace that fortify the hair against hair fall .

I think that Clinic All Clear wants to expand the user base to a larger audience . That may be the reason for diluting the anti-dandruff plank.

HUL is also trying to distance Clinic Plus from Clinic All Clear. Clinic is now a standalone brand with the positioning of a Health shampoo.

I think that over a period of time, Clinic All Clear will be rebranded as Clear Shampoo . Right now the typology is such that "Clear " is made prominent and " All Clear " is in a small font size. It may be a precursor to the rebranding.
HUL has been grappling with the problem of too many line extensions and brands and is finding it difficult to get the right positioning for their brands.

Related Brand
Clinic All Clear

Your views are important. Please feel free to comment on the marketing practices of this brand.

Brilliant...If You're A Mac Guy

Hilarious. Also, I would like to remind people that John Hodgman's new book More Information Than You Require comes out tomorrow.

That is all.

Best Site of The Day

With all the financial turmoil of the past few weeks, it's been hard to get excited about anything money-wise. That is, until I was turned onto SmartyPig. It's a pretty neat (albiet, old) concept: forced savings. I'm really liking this idea a lot and I think you'll see this concept take off in the coming months.

Newest XXL Mascara Maybelline Version

beauty cosmetics

beauty cosmetics

Newest XXL Mascara Maybelline Version. The mascara was indeed waterproof solid right up until the next day,even after crying too, it really madelashes more volumized n length-ened. The mascara was indeed waterproof solid right up until the next day, even after crying too, it really madelashes more volumized n length-ened.

Volume Shocking Mascara by Loreal


Volume Shocking Mascara by Loreal

Silky Girls Lash Prism Mascara


Silky Girls Lash Prism Mascara

Brosse Exactel Vol Shoking Mascara by Loreal


This is another version of the Volume Shocking Mascara. Brosse Exactel Loreal Vol Shoking Mascara.

Ceramide Triple Complex Mascara by Elizabeth Arden

beauty cosmetics

Ceramide Triple Complex Mascara by Elizabeth Arden. This Mascara is infused with Ceramide Triple Complex as well as Keravis helping you to have longer and fuller lashes. You’ll have a glamorous look and healthy lashes.

Caption This: 10-20-08

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Consumer Insight # 6 : Do You Have a Plan B

Last weekend I took my family to a pilgrimage to the famous temple of Guruvayur . I booked the rooms at a decent hotel and was glad that we got rooms during the rush season. We landed at the hotel and greeted by the service staff and all went well in the beginning.

But in the evening the lift ( elevator) of the hotel stopped functioning. We reached the hotel after the tiring visit to the temple only to find that the elevator will not be functional for atleast one hour ( that's what the service staff told us). Our room were at the 4 th floor . I sat there looking perplexed since my old parents and my 4 year old child were to climb all the four floors.

There were also another family at the lobby looking equally worried since they had booked rooms for relatives who were to arrive at the hotel to attend their daughter's wedding . They looked hapless having to ask their guests to climb the stairs to the 4 th and 5 th floors.

The hotel staffs were looking equally helpless and the only action they performed was to ask their guests to climb the stairs.

At the end, we had to climb the stairs and hit the bed with all the exhaustion . We hoped that next day things will be taken care of. But in the morning , I found that still the elevator is not functioning. To much of the dismay, the room service told us that breakfast will be served only at the restaurant in the ground-floor.

This really blew my temper and I had to release all my anger on the reception staff. Then to my surprise, they offered us the Service Lift !!!! Infact the hotel had another lift that is used by the housecleaning department ( commonly known as service lift ) which was working.

They could have offered this to the customers immediately when the main lift stopped working. It could have made all the guests happy but the hotel failed to use it.

The issue here is two fold . The hotel did not have a plan B. They had one elevator and there are always a chance that these kind of problems can arise at any point of time. So in the service delivery process, the management had to forsee these kind of exigencies. If there was a plan B, then the service lift could have been made available on the spot.

Secondly the front office staff was not given enough empowerment to act during such kind of issues. The service script should be prepared in such a manner that the staff could make such kind of decisions to help the customers.

As of now, the hotels in Guruvayur can afford to make such kind of poor customer service since the demand far exceeds the supply . But tide always turns.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brand Update : Sony Vaio

After the highly popular campaign for Sony Vaio CR range of notebooks ( All Eyes on You ! ) , Vaio has launched a new series of executive laptop Viao Z series. The new series is launched with a new theme " Break the Code ".

Watch the TVC here : Break the Code

Vaio Z is a premium executive notebook with lot of features that makes the product different from the competition. The brand boasts of
Cylinder Form
Isolated Keyboard
Carbon Fibre body
Clear Tough LCD
Light Weight etc

The current campaign is an international campaign imported directly to India although with a minor cosmetic change.
The campaign message is that all laptops are the same so break the code by getting the new Vaio Z.

The campaign for Vaio CR was popular because the visuals and the song was found attractive by the TG. The success of CR range prompted many laptop manufacturers to look at aesthetics and design as a differentiator.
The new campaign is also clutter breaking with a nice song and visuals. The lyrics goes something like this
I am not you and you are not me
I look around and all I see is me
Change the code, break the code
Take the new road

Lyrics Courtesy : Gandalf

The new series is premium priced with a price range of Rs 85000 - Rs 1,25,000.

All laptop manufacturers are faced with the issue of commoditization. So there is a heavy reliance on brand as a source of differentiation. Vaio has to a certain extend has been able to resist the commoditization .

Interestingly the tagline for Vaio is " Closer to You " . But I haven't seen any ad highlighting the positioning of the core brand Vaio. Previous campaigns of Vaio also did not have this tagline.

Related Brand
Sony Vaio

Brush Set for Your Perfect Beauty Cosmetics

Beauty Cosmetics

Brush Set for Your Perfect Beauty Cosmetics

Beauty Cosmetics Box and Cosmetic Solutions

Beauty Cosmetics, Cosmetic Solutions

Beauty Cosmetics Box and Cosmetic Solutions

Pink Box Beauty Cosmetics Makeup

Pink Box Beauty Cosmetics Makeup

Pink Box Beauty Cosmetics Makeup

Beauty Cosmetics for Beautiful Girls

Beauty Cosmetics, Girls

Pink Green Makeup Beauty Cosmetics for Beautiful Girls

Sarah Aston 7 Piece Cosmetic Brush Set


cosmetic makeup

Sarah Aston 7 Piece Cosmetic Brush Set

Jawbone #225:...And Then A Barbershop Quartet Shows Up On your Doorstep

Something is wrong with my hair. What I wore in Chicago. What to do when a Barbershop Quartet shows up on your doorstep. Being starved in a hospital and much more. Thanks for listening and if you dig it, please subscribe.

What's Next Quartet
Amiable Vice | Zalinski
If My Wife Knew

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