Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brand Update : Medimix

In my earlier post on Medimix, I had commented that this brand has fallen into the trap of sales promotion. A recent sales promotion campaign further reinforced my take on this brand's marketing practice.

The advertisement for this sales promotion goes like this :

In a household setting, suddenly the electricity went off. The homemaker then asks for Medimix to light the candle. The husband is confused and asks how can you light a candle with Medimix. Then came the answer " Now get a Medimix Matchbox free with every Medimix soap ".

Frankly I was as confused as the husband character in the story. Medimix Matchbox ?

Then I frantically searched to check whether the company had diversified into making matchboxes. Then it would have been one of the most outrageous brand extensions ever. But thankfully the company had not yet diversified into making matchboxes.

Now the question is whether it is a wrong strategy of giving matchboxes free with soap. I guess it may not be.

But what happens here is that the matchbox is branded as Medimix and the tvc give more focus to " Medimix Matchbox " and even have a tagline for the matchbox.

Its okay to have Medimix logo in the matchbox but to brand it as Medimix Matchbox is nothing but suicide.

So an ordinary consumer will feel that Medimix has launched matchboxes ? Then what does it mean to Medimix brand ?

Its true that in the current scenario, a brand cannot notch up volumes without sales promotions . But it has to be remembered that sales/consumer promotion is a tactical strategy. In the rush to show impressive volumes marketers mess up the brand by focusing only on consumer promotions.

Is Medimix a soap or a matchbox ?

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