Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Mole-men Have Arrived!

The new site (designed by moi) for the 700 Mole-Men, the companion to the 700 Hoboes viral art project that was launched by Drawn and Boing Boing oh so many years ago - and incidentally had this blog embroiled in some controversy at the onset - is now up and ready to be viewed. The 700 Mole-Men are from the new book "More Information Than You Require" by author, Daily Show correspondent, Mac spokesperson and friend of the show, John Hodgman, The site was programmed by Whiz Kid Dan Coulter and features my art as well as the images of Adam Koford, Mike Peterson, Ben Rollman and Sunday Williams. You can join the fun too! Just join the 700 Mole-Men Group at Flickr, add your photos and they will show up on the site. Oh and don't forget to pick up Hodgman's new book, available at all fine book retailers everywhere.

BTW, as I was linking up the post, I found this brilliant piece of art by Mike AKA Hal.

Man, am I behind.

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