Monday, May 31, 2010

Marketing Strategy : How to Engage Customers to Create Brand Equity

Engage Customers to Create Brand Equity

Originally Published here at

Engagement means creating involvement. Customer engagement means the effort taken by the brand to develop an involvement between customers and the brand beyond regular purchase and use.

Traditional marketing practices seldom encourage active involvement of customers. The marketers often are satisfied with the regular purchase of the product by the customers and the level of engagement with the customers is limited to handling queries, handling complaints and loyalty programs.

The new economy has necessitated marketers to think beyond the typical purchase/sales orientation to a more pro-active customer engagement orientation. The web 2.0 and the rising popularity of social media have created a new cost effective platform for marketers to build and maintain customer engagement programs.

Take the example of ZooZoo- the characters created by Vodafone to promote its Value Added Services. With in a short span of time, ZooZoo was all over the social media and the Facebook fan count reached 2, 75000 at the time this article is being written. Using ZooZoo, Vodafone has created a new way of connecting and engaging with the target audience.

Create a culture of engagement.

It is not easy to create effective customer engagement. The first and foremost requirement for effective customer engagement is to orient the company culture towards a customer orientation. Customers can be demanding and more so when the company takes an initiative to reach out. Hence marketers should venture into creating active engagement only after the entire firm develops an orientation towards customers.

Make it easier for customers to connect.

An important requisite for active customer engagement is to make the process easier for consumers to reach the company. Active consumer engagement cannot work effectively in an outsourced environment. Hence the marketing department should be able to create and sustain a robust mechanism to respond to the consumers.

The web has made it easier for marketers to keep tab on consumers’ demands. But in a country like India, one should account for millions of consumers who cannot access such a channel. While creating such engagement channels, the brand has to create a robust process to ensure that it responds to the consumer immediately. An unanswered query or a complaint can create negativity and can be detrimental to the brand’s equity.

Have a vision

Brand managers should have a clear vision about the outcome and purpose of customer engagement. The critical question is “what is the expected outcome of this engagement?”

The outcomes of a customer engagement program need not be based on purchase or sales. There can be qualitative objectives also for such an engagement. How ever brands will reap the benefits of loyalty and repeat purchases from the consumers who are actively engaged with it.

When the consumers are actively engaged with the brand, one need not search too far for new product ideas. Highly involved consumers will be a vital information source for obtaining feedback and product improvement ideas.

Move to a higher ladder.

Once the platform is identified and target audience chosen, the brand should have something to say to the consumer. The brand can engage the customer in many ways. Typically during engagement, brands will assume the role of an expert offering advice to consumers on problems. The task for the marketer is to find the areas in which the brand should engage with its consumers. For example, through Gang of Girls website, Sunsilk is providing tips and advice on hair care which is the subject where the brand is an expert. The advantage of such an engagement is that the brand has more control over the conversation.

While identifying the area of engagement, the brand should be able to ladder up to a more abstract need rather than restricting itself into a category need. This will appeal to a larger audience and thus take the brand’s reach farther. Tata Tea created a highly successful engagement based on the theme “ Jagore “ inspiring many youths to register themselves as voters in the recent general elections. But the challenge for the brand is to take this engagement further since the elections are over.

Another way of engagement is where the brand provides a platform through which the consumers engage with each other. The brand acts as a facilitator rather than the expert. Consumer driven brand communities are the results of such an engagement. These engagements are more powerful than the brand driven engagements because the underlying cause for such engagements arises out of passion rather than profit.

It is all about action

Successful engagement arises out of action. Brands venturing into creating customer engagement must devise ways to create and maintain a higher energy level among the consumers. The engagement plan should have activities, contests, debates, meet ups, webinars, sharing, exchanges, tweets etc to keep up the energy level. This means that there is going to be a substantial investment on the part of the brand to keep the momentum going. The investment is more on the human side rather than monetary investment. Technology has enabled companies to keep these engagement costs minimal. But there has to be a dedicated team who will keep the activity levels high so that there is never a dull moment.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

HOME SWEET HOME - Well ......... manic work and madness

This is why I came home

My beautiful girls - Aimee and Lola May.............

Home is really Portugal (in my heart these days).  Anyway, we did it, flew there in our wonderful little Europa and it was totally fantastic!  I will be posting the photos soon and got some really good soap leads for Naturally Made Soaps while I was there.

Glad to be home, selling and working hard, got Exmouth Food Fest for the Bank Holiday weekend so will be putting in a full blog appearance after that.  But while Im here Im so enjoying being with these two nutters!!!  Can't you just see why?

Brand Update : Gems Does a Kinder Joy

Gems recently launched a new variant Gems Surprise. The product is a new pack of Gems that comes with a surprise toy inside. The new variant is in the shape of a ball attractively packaged. Right now Gems Surprise will contain Ben 10 toys. The new variant is priced at Rs 30.

Gems Surprise is inspired ( copy ?) by the Kinder Surprise . Kinder Surprise has met with success in the Indian market. I do not have the figures but as a consumer, I have been a regular buyer of this product so are my friends.
The consumer acceptance of the Kinder Joy may have been the reason for the launch of Gems Surprise.

Kinder Surprise was never a competition for Gems. Kinder Surprise has created different niche where Cadbury does not have a presence. Cadbury does not want any product to rule any part of the chocolate market that easily. Through Gems Surprise, Cadbury is addressing the industry competition.

There is no product in Cadbury's brand portfolio that is similar to Kinder Surprise. Gems was chosen because it is a unique brand with lot of equity among the consumers. The form factor of Gems also made the brand worthy of being a competitor for Kinder Surprise.

Gems Surprise is going to create holes in the Parent's pockets. Gems was always affordable and right product to buy for the Kids. Gems Surprise priced at Rs 30 is an upward stretch for the brand.
The question is whether the consumer will buy Gems for Rs 30 because there is a gift free with it ? For all those customers who has been buying SKUs of Gems for Rs 5 and Rs 10 may find it difficult to justify the purchase of Gem's Surprise at Rs 30.

What I understand is that the product ( chocolate ) will be the same in Gems Surprise. What you pay more is for the toy.In the case of Kinder Surprise, consumers did not have a benchmark about the price so Rs 30 for Kinder Joy was accepted by the consumer.

Gems will definitely get lot of consumer trials and purchases .Whether the purchases will be sustainable will depend a lot on the variety of the gifts that is inside the pack. Kinder Surprise is the master in this game. Will Gems beat the master will be a fun ( expensive though) to watch.

Related Brand
Kinder Surprise

Friday, May 28, 2010

Steamy Scoop


25 Unique Guitars

In the 12th century AD, guitars began to be used in Europe. Since then, they have evolved from basic acoustic versions, to electric guitars, and then into little pieces of art that often reflect the personality of the user. Here are 25 unique guitars and bass guitars:
Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jawbone #273: Antici-PATION

Solocast with W00tStock anticipation chat.

Mike Phirman | The Very Last Songs I Will Ever Record (Volume 1)

Leave us a voicemail message: 216.236.GEEK!

RSS feed.

Download now.

Mom's and E-mail Forwards

Jeff Dye:

She doesn't know how to use anything electronic. Anything that requires technology she doesn't know how to use -- except the e-mail forward. I don't know what it is about moms and the e-mail forward, but they get it immediately. My mom can't even use the dishwasher, yet every morning I have 75 new e-mails, all from my mom. Oh great, what cat dressed like a human today? What couldn't

Monkey Loves Baby

Cute, but at the same time, dangerous. Right?Via

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kids are Weird


Nifty Links

7 Dumbest Employee MistakesEmmalee Bauer of Elkhart, Iowa, was always typing away at her work computer. The problem? She wasn’t doing her work—or anything at all, for that matter. Instead, she was writing a 300-page, single-spaced journal about not working.9 Active Volcanoes People Live NearPasto, which boasts a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, is located at the foot of the Galeras

17 Old West Photos

Here are 17 old west photos from the Library of Congress. Pretty neat stuff.The last Deadwood Coach. Last trip of the famous Deadwood Coach.Indian Fighters from the US Army Infantry."Comanche," the only survivor of the Custer Massacre, 1876. History of the horse and regimental orders of the 7th Cavalry as to the care of "Comanche" as long as he shall live.Capt. Taylor and 70 Indian scouts.Hose

7 Headed, 10 Horned Beast

Don't F' with the Tri-Lioleobear.Via

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Market Statistics : FMCG Market Shares

Today's ( 26/05/10) Economic Times carries interesting market share figurers of FMCG players across various categories in the Indian market. Thought of sharing.

Hindustan Unilever Ltd
April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)
Soaps 47 43.8
Detergents 37.4 36.8
Shampoo 45.3 46.9
Toothpaste 27.9 25.7
Skincare 46.5 45.4
Tea 22.4 21

Proctor & Gamble
April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)

Detergents 13.9 14.6
Shampoo 24.1 22.6

Godrej Consumer Products
April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)
Soaps 9.8 10.5

April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)
Toothpaste 9.6 10.6
Shampoo 6.1 5.5
Chawanprash 59.6 60.9

April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)
Coffee 41.1 41.8
Chocolates 25.2 25.2
Noodles 63.1 62.2

April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)
Toothpaste 49.8 51.2
Toothpowder 43.6 43.5

Tata Tea
April 2009( %) April 2010 ( %)

Tea 21.7 20.2

List of Prank Names

AAaron Thetires (Air in the tires)Aaron C. Reskew (Air & sea rescue)Abe Rudder (Hey brother)Achilles Punks (I'll kill these punks)Adam Bomb (Atom bomb)Adam Meway (Out of my way)Adam Sapple (Adam's apple)Adolf Oliver Nipples (Ate off all of her nipples)Ahmed Adoodie (I made a doodie - from The Simpsons)Al B. Zienya (I'll be seeing you)Al Beback (I'll be back)Al DePantzeu (I'll de-pants you)Al E.

Square Watermelons

So apparently a few years back some creative Japanese farmers developed a more compact, square watermelon that will take up less space, and won't roll away. They did it by putting the young watermelons in a small box, and letting them grow into that shape.Source


Monday, May 24, 2010


Thanks Mel!

$2 Dollar Bill

The following is a "true" story I came across. I thought it was pretty funny, even if it never happened.On my way home from the second job I've taken for the extra holiday cash I need, I stopped at Taco Bell for a quick bite to eat. In my billfold is a $50 bill and a $2 bill. That is all of the cash I have on my person. I figure that with a $2 bill, I can get something to eat and not have to

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Trailer

Via Thanks Jordan

Rocket Furniture

I got this by e-mail, and for the life of me could not find the original source, though I did find several stores carrying similar items.

16 Thin Buildings

Want to construct a building, but don't have much room? No problem. Like tight, confined, air crushing places? Perfect. Tired of having too much personal space? Fantastic. Wish your home would blow over in a 10 mile an hour wind? Who doesn't? Here are 16 very thin buildings. Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tata Tion : Why Let Go

Brand : Tata Tion
Company : Tata Tea

Brand Analysis Count # 454

Tata Tion is Tata Tea's foray into the non-carbonated beverages market. Tion which was soft launched in 2009 has been launched nationally. The brand was initially launched in TamilNadu and has been in the market for more than a year.

Tion is a fruit based drink which has extracts of tea, ginseng and fruit. The brand is a challenger in the Rs 2500 crore non-carbonated beverage market in India.

Tion is positioned as an energy drink . The brand although fruit flavored is positioned as a tea-based cool drink. The major differentiators for Tion are its ingredients. The brand has tea extracts and Ginseng which makes the brand stand out from the rest. The presence of these ingredient also makes this brand look more healthy compared to other drinks.

Tion has the tagline : Why Let Go. The launch campaign is does not have much to talk about.The brand is essentially giving a message that it has so much in it that you cannot let it go.

Consumers have different take on the taste of Tion. The taste may not be universally appealing and that can restrict this brand to a niche. Tion will appeal to those consumers who are looking for a healthy cool drink and something different from the fruit juices. Compared to the existing fruit drinks, Tion gives certain kind of refreshment thanks to its ingredients.

Tion was initially launched in 400 ml packs priced at Rs 22. But now the brand is available at 200 ml packs priced at Rs 13. The packing is novel and can generate lot of trials.
But the 200ml drink seems to be too little to quench thirst and can create a perception of too little for that price. That was the typical reaction of a consumer after having the drink on a hot day.
Tion is a different product from the rest and along with the endorsement of Tata, the brand can get lot of trials. In the city where I live, Tatas have managed to make the brand available at key locations. The proposed JV with Pepsi will also help the brand get into more store shelves.

The challenge for Tion is to convince the customers to regularly consume the brand. The brand is banking on its ingredients to convince the consumers to patronize it. I feel rather than the ingredients, the brand will hold the key. With the kind of communication strategy, Tion may not be able to build a strong equity. It may need a heavy dose of celebrities especially those in the athletics/sports which can reinforce the message of a healthy energy drink. With global brands like Gatorade, Burn etc upping their ante, Tion should invest more on the brand rather than banking on its ingredients.

22 Cats Taking Baths

Cats; I could take them or leave them. But there is one thing I do know, you don't really need to bathe them, at least not very often. Cats clean themselves, constantly, with this smug little expression of self satisfaction. It's like they think they are better than you, just because you only shower once a month, and they are constantly clean. I'm saving money on water, stupid cats!Anyway, here

Friday, May 21, 2010



Full Body Moustache


Wanna Waste Some Time?

Then click the red button at the The Official Red Button Appreciation Page.

20 Pieces of Nerd Furniture

Furniture doesn't have to be sophisticated, it can meet your personality too. Here are 20 pieces of nerdy furniture.Mario and Luigi dresser.Playstation tableMario Bros. wall storage bins.An i-phone table.An Alien table.Pac-Man seats.A dragon end table.Han Solo frozen in carbonite, in desk form.Scrable benches.A periodic table.Another periodic table.A Pac-Man set of shelves.A Pac-Man table.A

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Awesome Airplane

Can You Read This?

Can you raed tihs? The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearer at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but

Tom and Jerry

Via Maneggs

Marketing Strategy :Do You Know Your Customers ?

What Marketers Should Know About Customers

Originally published here in

The dictum “Understand your consumers “has often become a cliché. It is not a new idea but it is the most forgotten idea. When sales are growing at tremendous pace and when the production is struggling to meet the demand from the market, consumer is pushed to the backyard. During periods of economic boom companies focus is on expansion, diversification, new offices, mergers and acquisitions. But then suddenly out of the blue, everything comes to a grinding halt. Growth stopped, inventory piled up and consumers stopped crowding the stores. Now is the time to bring back the consumer to the centre of your business strategy.

It is said that the seeds of disaster is sowed during the time of growth and optimism. Take the case of realty sector. This is the sector which was most affected by the current slowdown. When the industry was growing at a scorching pace, every one forgot the consumer. Prices were skyrocketing not because of real consumer demand but because of speculation. Many players cared little to understand whether the consumer is actually buying or is it a mere speculation that is driving the price. When the realisation came that real consumers are not buying, everything came to a standstill.

This current slowdown in the economy is a lesson for all marketers to go back to common sense. The common sense that consumer is the centre of business. The purpose of business is to create consumers. And to do that one should know the consumers.

Who is your customer?

Although this question sounds too basic and simplistic, it is surprising to know that many businesses do not have a basic definition of their customers. The era of mass marketing where the marketer treats the entire market as a homogeneous group is over. The market has moved drastically into different segments.

Consumer’s knowledge about offerings has also changed. This new set of empowered knowledgeable consumer has warranted that companies be more empathetic to the needs and wants of the consumers.

Marketers should have a thorough understanding about the consumer. The first step is to clearly define the consumer. The definition of consumer should be exhaustive and not be limited to a mere demographic picture. The mental, physical, emotional and social dimension of the consumer should be clearly stated by the marketer.

What does the consumer need?

Once the customer definition is clear, the next task is to map the needs of the consumer. This is not a static process because consumer needs and priorities keep changing. Hence there has to be a continuous mechanism through which these changes are absorbed into the learning systems of the company. In an advertising agency perspective, increasingly companies are cutting their media expenses. That does not mean that the need for promotions has died. When advertisers look for new cheaper methods for promotions, agencies should be in a position to help them. This can happen only if the agencies have a better understanding of the consumer’s changing needs.

Understand Customer’s customer

In the remarkable book “What the customer wants you to know “, management guru Ram Charan says “The most important thing to understand about your customer is her customers”.

The customer’s customer principle has wide application in business marketing. For an advertising agency, the customer’s customer is the consumer. For a business firm, it will be the customer of the client. If a marketer wants to clearly understand the customer needs, he has to first identify the customer’s customer and customer’s competitor. While many consumer firms clearly map their customers and competitors, business markets fail to understand the significance of this understanding. Because if the customer’s customer stops buying products, then your customer will stop buying from you.

From market driven to market-driving

Consumers will not be able to tell you exactly what they want. But a deep understanding about their life and their behaviour will give valuable inputs about new product ideas. Market –driving strategy is the strategy where the company shapes the consumer needs and wants through break through products and technologies. Hence it is important for marketers to go beyond what the consumer is saying.

Market Driven strategies are the conventional reactive strategies. Companies react to the changing marketing conditions using various marketing mix elements. The focus is on satisfying the obvious stated needs of the consumers. Market Driving strategies are aimed at creating original products and shaping consumer needs. The needs may be hidden and marketers should have the guts to tap those hidden needs.

Steve Jobs is quoted to have said that he does not believe in market research. He famously said that “We just want to make great products “. Here the focus is more on shaping the consumer needs and wants rather than reacting to existing needs. In a market driving strategy, the focus is to create new customers rather than satisfying existing customers. But for that one has to understand the hidden and latent needs of the consumers.

Constant consumer conversation and engagement will help marketers to understand those needs and find means to satisfy those needs profitably.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Japanese Foot Acrobats from 1904

Crazy Japanese Foot Acrobats from 1904 - watch more funny videos

4 Horses Save Another from Dying

A horse which was shot twice with a cross-bow survived after four fellow steeds spent three hours taking turns – licking the wound clean. Bay mare Zeta came within a whisker of death after one cross bow bolt bounced off her rib while another lodged just one inch from her lung.Evil yobs blasted the 20-year-old bay horse in the stomach while she grazed in a field at Telford, Shropshire, on May 7.

The 90 Best Cartoons of All Time

I think just about everyone has a soft spot for cartoons. There is a wide variety out there, each with something to offer.

I've compiled a list of what I believe to be the 90 best cartoons, ever. If you don't agree with my list, I don't care, get your own list. If I forgot some, I appologize, there are a lot of cartoons out there. It is important to note that I honestly could move some of these

Monday, May 17, 2010

Brand Update : Tata Indica Brand Portfolio

Indica is a brand that is an epitome of persistence. Tata Motors through Indica has demonstrated how to manage product lifecycle effectively. The brand which was launched in 1998 has passed through many hurdles. The brand successfully transcended the initial flaws, bad customer /expert reviews and brickbats to become one of the largest selling cars in the Indian auto industry.

The brand survived and thrived because of the constant focus of Tata Motors to improve the product continuously. More than the product innovation, it was the value proposition that forced customers to choose Indica despite all those nagging troubles. You can see lot of Indica customers cribbing about the bad service and constant trip to the service centers but sticking to the brand because of the value proposition. You cannot get a diesel car with that much space at the price at which Indica is selling ( so far).

Tata Motors has been continuously tweaking the brand over these years sometimes making quantum leap in the quality and refinement of the product. A snapshot of the brand's evolution is given below

1998 - Indica announced
2001 - Indica V2
2004 - Rejuvenated Indica V2
2005- Indica V2 Turbo Diesel
2006- Indica Xeta
2008 - Indica Vista

The brand made a quantum leap in 2008 with the launch of Indica Vista. The entire brand personality changed with the launch of Vista. The product's looks and feel had changed completely and it was a rebirth for Indica.
The changes in the product was not limited to exteriors. Indica began sporting different types of engines from Fiat which gave a new perception of quality to the brand.

At the pricing also, Tata Motors consciously raised the Vista brand to a higher level . The Vista is pricier than the original V2 thus reducing the attractiveness of the brand to the Taxi segment. At a price range of Rs 4 - Rs 5 Lakh, Indica Vista is not a cheap diesel car. It was an upward stretch by the brand.

The Indica Brand portfolio is given below.

The Indica brand portfolio consists now of three sub-brands V2, Vista and Xeta.

V2 is the most economical of the lot and is the original Indica. This product is retained because there is still huge demand for V2 at that price point. Within the V2 range, there are three variants which includes the Indicab which is for the Taxi segment. Price of this sub-brand ranges from Rs 3,50,000 - Rs 3,95,000

Next sub-brand is the Vista. Vista is the new generation Indica and Tata Motors would like this brand to take over the leadership position from V2 in future. The brand is targeting the discerning Indian consumer with its value proposition and good looks.Vista has lot of variants satisfying the various needs of the customer. The Indica Vista Aura is the premium range that sports many goodies that premium brands claim like ABS, Airbags etc. Vista also comes in Petrol version sporting the Saphire engine. Prices range from Rs 3,90,000 - Rs 4,90,000 ( apprx). Within the Vista range, customers are given lot of engine option including engines from Fiat.

Xeta is the petrol variant of Indica V2. I am not sure about the future of Xeta since the petrol segment is heavily competitive and compared to Maruti and Hyundai, Indica Xeta's value proposition is not that attractive as the diesel option. Prices range from Rs 2,72,000- Rs 3,00,000).

The positioning across the brand portfolio remains the same. All the brands focus on the value proposition. But these sub- brands sports different taglines

Indica V2- More car per car
Indica Vista- Changes Everything ( Surprise Yourself is the new tagline)
Indica Xeta - Makes much more car sense.

Vista recently relaunched itself with Drivetech 4 technology and is now sporting a new tagline Surprise Yourself .

Indica in a way is an example of good marketing practice. The brand continues to evolve and is a pleasure to watch.


Yes everyone the time has come, we are going to fly the newly completed Europa to Portugal and stay at our Quinta for 3 - 4 days, weather dependant, then fly back next week YESSS!!
This is what we have been waiting for, the build took Rik almost 5 years and a lot of stress but we now have a beautiful little plane to be proud of and we are so close to realising our dream of flying ourselves to Portugal.

G-CEIW passed all is flight testing with flying colours, we have already done quite a lot of time in her, we flew up to Suffolk a couple of weeks ago to have lunch with Riks Mum which was lovely.  A car journey would have taken us over 6 hours but we did it in an hour and forty minutes!

Above with Riks Mum in Suffolk ready for take off back to Devon

This trip is the biggie.  We will take off from Dunkeswell in East Devon and fly over the channel to the Cherbourg peninsula.  We then make for the west coast of France and fly down to Le Touquet where we will land, stretch our legs an clear customs.  Then on to Spain touching down again at San Sebastian to re-fuel.  The last leg is the longest from Spain to Viseu in Portugal, a high and often windy airfield 2000 ft above sea level.  Our lovely friends will come and pick us up and we should be home in our Quinta in an hour!  How great is that?  I will be reporting back with a couple of photos I promise.  This is all dependent on weather however, so please pray for good clear skies on Thursday.................Thanks

Dumb Baby


13 Unusual Flip Flops and Sandals

Ah summer time, goodbye shoes. I love wearing shorts and flip flops in the summer. You could say it beats the socks off of shoes. Eh? Get it? ... I don't need your approval, I know I'm punny. Eh? Get it? ...Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The Difference Between Being a Nerd and Being Cool

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Arresting Wire Fails as F/A 18 Lands

Crab Shell

Peek : Simply Connect

Brand : Peek
Company : Peek Inc ( brought to India by Aircel)

Brand Analysis Count : # 453

Peek is a very very interesting brand. In my analysis of 453 brands, this is one brand which intrigued me the most. My opinion about Peek keeps on changing when more and more information was collected. Regular Marketing Practice readers know that I am highly opinionated when it comes to brands ( often it is the most voiced criticism about this blog) . For this brand , I couldn't make an opinion at all.

Peek is an email only device that was launched in India a few months back by Aircel. Peek is a brand from USA based Peek Inc. The brand has created lot of interest among the media and tech analysts in USA.

Peek is the brain child of Dr.Amol Sarva, a Stanford Phd holder, who was the co-founder of Virgin Mobile. Peek has an interesting story behind it. Amol and his wife were expecting their first child. After long walks to take exercise, Amol's wife came home worrying about the e-mails that were piling up in her inbox. Smartphones were not affordable to her. Hence the idea came to Dr Amol to design a simple solution for those customers who could not afford a Blackberry or smartphone but would like to check email on the go. ( read the story here)

Peek is a mobile like device that can be used for checking email. In the techie lingo, it is called email only client. Although Peek looks like a mobile phone, you cannot make phonecalls from it. The brand is launched in India in association with Aircel which is offering connectivity to Peek. The handset is costing Rs 2999 and Aircel has a tariff plan starting with Rs 299 per month. Peek supports 5 email accounts .

Now comes the most important question. What is the market for Peek ? Who will buy a device that can be used only for checking emails ? Will anyone pay Rs 300 per month for checking emails on a device ?

I still don't have an answer.

Peek is a big break-away product in a market which talks about products that claims to do everything. Smartphones are now increasingly loaded with more and more applications. Even ordinary mobile phones are now loaded with multiple features. Peek is a product that does only one thing. The million dollar question is whether such a device makes sense in the Indian market?

Peek is not competing with Blackberry or Smartphones. This is a device that is targeting a specific set of consumers who like to check emails while on the move/at home. Now who can be such customers ?

a. Those persons who does not have an internet connection at home but gets lot of emails.
b.Those who doesn't want to carry a laptop on the move but need to check mails regularly.
c.People who always travel a lot and could not afford a laptop and data plan .
d. Those people who cannot afford a mobile internet data plan .
e. People who want to check emails but dislikes internet browsing.
f. Those who travel to places where there is no internet connection.
c.Corporates who can give Peek to their executives instead of the expensive Blackberry

Peek makes sense in markets where mobile internet data plans are expensive. In the US, such plans are very expensive and have long term contracts associated with it. Peek does not have such constraints and is not restricted to one service provider. Hence there is a market for such a product in US.Another plus for Peek is the simplicity of usage. The product is simple to use and configuration is very very easy. So for a non-geek, the product is a simple solution.

In India too, mobile internet plans are expensive. Now the tariffs are coming down because of intense competition. It needs to be seen whether the Rs 299/month offers a value proposition to the consumers compared to the mobile internet data plans. As of now, the product is available only with Aircel. Hence the product is virtually locked with one service provider.

Peek is relying heavily on its simplicity . The product does only one thing and tries to does it very well. The brand is relying on the wisdom that there is a segment of consumers who prefer simple solutions to their needs. It is laudable for the brand to resist the temptation to add one more additional feature to Peek.

Peek also makes immense sense to businesses who are looking for a cheap alternative to Blackberry. Peek can be given to the employees and compared to BB, the cost is very very low.

I am still confused about whether the brand will be successful in India . My initial impression was that Peek will be a failure but am not going to predict doom because you never know how consumers will react to such a simple product.

Having said that, Peek opens an opportunity for a device that is purely a social networking client. If there is a product that does emails, facebooking, orkut, twitter and at this price, I would be the first one on the queue to buy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oh Carp

Hats of Meat

Do you like to wear, or are you interested in hats made out of meat? Me neither. Hats of Meat is a website dedicated to hats made out of meat, with photo galleries of people that have sent in pictures of themselves wearing hats of meat.

15 Shocking Wrongful Convictions

From Randall Dale AdamsIn 1976, Robert Wood of the Dallas Police Department was shot and killed when he pulled a car over. Police first suspected a man named David Ray Harris, but Harris blamed Randall Dale Adams for the killing, and multiple surprise witness in the trial led to Adams’ conviction. He was sentenced to death. However, in May 1979, with just three days to go


Would You Live in a Church?

I got this in an e-mail, pretty neat. Also, our friend Miss C provided a link to a website dedicated to this cool house, find it here. Apparently it's called the St. Nicholas Church House.St Nicholas Church, Kyloe; Built in 1792 on the site of an earlier church dating from around the 1100's. Deconsecrated in the 80's after which it stood derelict for around 20 years. Taken on as a conversion

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jawbone #272: Happy Birthday Pancake!

Tonight, we welcome our son Patrick as he celebrates his 15th birthday. He regales us with tales of what makes him embarrassed and also plays some Coulton and "Bleatles" on his guitar for us.

Leave us a voicemail message: 216.236.GEEK!

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I am Awesome


Man Babies

Like pictures where the head of the man and the baby have been swapped? Then you will love

Job Interview

Click on the photo for a larger image.Via

The Spiral Jetty - In the Great Salt Lake, Utah

The Spiral Jetty, considered to be the central work of American sculptor Robert Smithson, is an earthwork sculpture constructed in 1970.Built entirely of mud, salt crystals, basalt rocks, earth, and water on the shore of the Great Salt Lake near Rozel Point in Utah, The Spiral Jetty forms a counterclockwise coil jutting from the shore of the lake which is only visible when the level of the Great

Poll Results

Click on the photo for a larger image.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ticket Dispute

Click on the photo for a larger image.Via

Artist Jim Denevan

Artist Jim Denevan creates temporary art on a large scale using nothing but sticks and all the sand on the beach.



Nice to Meet You

45 Cool Sinks

I try and wash my hands at least once a week. My sink at home is pretty boring; just an old bucket that collects rain water for washin'. Here are 50 examples of some more nifty sinks: Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Lost the rest of my sources. If one of these is yours, let me know, with a link.)


Via From



Remembering Dr Prahalad

Remembering Dr CK Prahalad

Dr C K Prahalad, the renowned Management Guru passed away recently leaving behind a legacy of unmatched management insights and lessons. Dr Prahalad was serving as Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University Professor of Strategy at University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business . A renowned teacher, a prolific author and an accomplished corporate strategist, Dr Prahalad’s contribution to the world of management is incomparable.

What set apart Dr Prahalad from the rest of the academic stalwarts was the practicality of his insights. He was one of the few academicians whose research and insights were tested and verified in the real world of management. His contributions range from breakthrough insights on core competence, strategic intent, co-creation, competitive strategy, bottom of pyramid marketing and innovation.


Dr Prahalad came into cynosure of management thinking during 1990s after a path breaking article “ The Core Competence of Organisations “ published in Harvard Business Review. Dr Prahalad and Gary Hamel advocated the importance of understanding the importance of core competencies and using the core competencies for growth. The insight that Prahalad and Hamel proposed inspired many firms to direct their energies to build their businesses based on the core –competency rather than go for mindless expansion of business. The idea of core-competence was a revelation for many American firms who were struggling from the onslaught of focused Japanese firms.

Competing for the Future and Strategic Intent

Dr Prahalad and Gary Hamel further expanded the idea of core-competency to competitive strategy where the authors reminded business leaders about the importance of understanding the competitive environment while charting the business strategies.

The concept of strategic intent was another gem of an insight from Prahalad and Hamel. According to the authors, it is important for firms to understand the strategic intent of the competitors while formulating the strategies. Most of the firms are so fixated about the immediate impact of competition that they fail to understand the long-term vision of their competitors. The authors narrate the stories of how Japanese firms outsmarted the western counterparts by incrementally growing within the market. The US firms failed to understand the long-term plans of Japanese firms and thus did not respond against the slow and steady growth and ultimately paid the price of losing market share.

Bottom of Pyramid

Although Dr CK Prahalad brought into light some of the path-breaking management insights, his thoughts on marketing to Bottom of Pyramid remained as the highlight of his life’s work.

Dr CK Prahalad created a huge impact on the way marketers looked at people at the lower income strata. In the path breaking book “ The Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid “, Dr Prahalad dispelled many myths about the poor and convinced businesses to look at poor people as a profitable market opportunity.

According to Dr.CK, poor live in an expensive high cost sub-economies. Poor does not have access to easy credit. If at all they get access, they pay 50-60 % annual interest and outrageous terms and conditions. Dr CK wants marketers not to perceive that being poor mean using cheap products. These consumers actually pay more for certain services compared to those living in a richer environment. For example, Pre-paid mobile service cards are popular among the poor consumers. Although the denominations of these recharge coupons seems low, the consumers actually pay upfront for the talk time and in most of the cases, they do not get the talk time for the full amount paid.

Another myth about poor that Dr Prahalad wanted to dispel is that consumers at the bottom of pyramid are not willing to pay for innovations. Dr CK argues that poor consumers are willing to pay for those innovations that are relevant to them. But marketers often try to sell to poor consumers those innovations that are relevant only to higher income strata.

Dr Prahalad reflects the importance of marketers to really understand the need of this segment of society, then innovate specific products for them rather than push irrelevant product/services to them. The rich always tried to make decisions for the poor. Poor should be given the choice to purchase products that they need. Let the market decide what these poor people need. The poor consumers spent lot of money on products and services. Marketers should focus on improving poor’s quality of life rather than sell expensive products to them.

The works and insights of Dr CK Prahalad will remain eternal. Business and Management world will miss this thinker and strategist and his invaluable practical insights.

Originally Published here in

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hey it's ... That Guy!

Have you ever been watching TV or a movie and pointed to the screen and said, "Hey! It's That Guy!"? Well, here is where you'll find him. This page is dedicated to the character actors collectively known as "That Guy".That Guy is easy to recognize and difficult to place. You can describe him but not name him.If someone asks, "Do you know the old grubby guy with a big belly and wild white hair

What the Crap?

I don't know what to say, you'll just have to check it out for yourself.



Facts About Bacon

Click on the picture for a larger image.

VW Beetle with a Jet Engine


Monday, May 10, 2010

More New Cupcakes on the curing rack

The curing rack is groaning under the weight of soaps waiting for that special moment when they are ready for sale.  A lot of prodding, poking and close inspection goes on before that, the soaps are stacked on their ends with a small amount of space between them to allow the air to pass round every surface aiding the drying/curing process.  As its still cold and damp here in Devon the rack is up in Ryans room and it makes the house smell so good!
Those of you with eagle eyes may be able to tell what my rack was in its former life......... 
An old GPO, or post office for those of you a lot younger than me, set of sorting shelves!  It works a treat, I line the shelved with greaseproof paper and stack, the whole thing is made up of strong steel mesh covered in black plastic so the ventilation is fantastic and soaps cure nice and evenly.  Each shelf even has its own plastic label for me to add dates etc with a white board marker.  Ive just to find more though - these ones are full!
New cupcakes include my sweet butterfly cakes, sample mini lovespell cakes and some really gorgeous pink roses on white and white roses on pink (see the trays below the racks).  I cant wait to get them out on the stall.  They will be ready soon, watch this space.  Ive also got a lovely new gardening soap bar with Portuguese coffee, I used to make this a lot last year and a whole load of people have asked for it back so Ive made more!

Barney Bones


Fake Yo-Yo Trick Champion Fools 6 TV Stations

This made me laugh really hard. There are 3 videos on the link, really funny.A strange, strange man has been showing up on morning shows throughout the Midwest, claiming to be a yo-yo trick champion. He is not. He is actually terrible at yo-yo. Yet he keeps getting on the air.Little is known about "K-Strass," who goes by Kenny Strasser, or sometimes Kenny Strassburg. He claims to be from

The A380 Airbus: 5-Star Hotel on Wings

Check out these pictures from a A380 Airbus, it is nuts.The Airbus A380 is a true wonder of modern engineering. It is the largest airliner ever made, with a carrying capability of up to 853 passengers. Being 50% wider than the Boeing 747, it's closest competitor, the Airbus has truly surpassed all previous achievements of plane construction and interior design.A380's level of comfort (well, at

Used Copy Machines

Pretty interesting stuff.Watch CBS News Videos Online

Hippo and Tortise: BFFs

After a tsunami, survivor and 650 pound baby hippo Owen imprinted on 130-year-old tortoise Mzee. At Haller Park wildlife sanctuary in Mombasa, Kenya, Owen started following Mzee everywhere. The two became inseparable BFFs. As one-year-old Owen grew, the two lived, slept and played together. In a picture of perfect interspecies cooperation, they even created their own language. Using both noises

Underground House

Check out this cool underground house, designed by SeARCH and Christian Muller Architects. It is fully embedded in the alpine landscape of Vals, Switzerland.(photos by Iwan Baan)

Jim's Pancakes

Came across a cool page where a guy posts pictures of special pancakes he makes for his daughter. Some of them are really cool.My name is Jim and I like to make pancakes for my Daughter, Allison. She seems to like them, but, being 3 I don’t think she really cares too much.My dad used to make me really fun shaped pancakes like “The Moon,” “Lightbulb,” and “Balloon” so I guess I can credit his

20 Cool Rocks and Rock Formations

Back in the old days, rocks used to be made of wood. But with today's technology and means of productions, rocks are now made out of rock, making them much cooler, and much more interesting. Here are 20 cool rocks and rock formations:

It's neat how it is just one big, flat slab, with a random hole in it.

To me, this looks like an AT-AT from Star Wars.

Not the safest source of shade.


Brand Update : The New Rejuvenated Wagon R

One of India's best selling car brand got better. Recently Maruti Suzuki launched the new Wagon R in the Indian market. The new spruced up model features the famed K Series engine and with a brand new look.

Wagon R has been a run away success since its launch in 1999. So far the company has sold around 8.8 lakh units of Wagon R (source). Infact Wagon R is the second largest selling car brand ( annual sales ) from Maruti's product portfolio.

Wagon R operates in the A2 segment of Indian car market which is witnessing most of the competition in recent times. Most of the car majors are viewing this segment seriously and some of the new brand launches like Chevrolet Beat and Ford Figo has been highly welcomed by the consumers.
This intense competition has prompted Maruti to relaunch the upgraded version of Wagon R with a new engine and renewed look. It is interesting to note that Wagon R recently launched a high profile brand campaign featuring the Celebrity Madhavan.

Maruti have aggressively responded to the competition from Chevy and Ford by keeping the price point of the new Wagon R at the range of Rs 3.5 lakh - 3.85 lakh. Maruti has taken the risk of cannibalizing other brands like Estillo and A Star. The rejuvenation is also a part of Maruti to take the brand from the Maturity stage of the lifecycle stage to the growth path.

The new launch is expected to give much needed boost to the brand. Wagon R is still relevant in the Indian market. The users have vouched for the comfort and drive-ability of this car in the urban jungle. The company feels that the brand still have lot of steam left in it.

The company is calling the new Wagon R as the Blue Eyed Boy. The brand has retained Madhavan as the brand ambassador in the new avatar also.

Most of the auto review comparing Wagon R , Figo and Beat has rated the competitors as better than Wagon R. But what will be driving this brand will be the Maruti endorsement . Although Chevy and Ford have established themselves in the Indian market, Maruti still holds tremendous brand equity among Indian consumers. But competitors are not sitting idle. When Chevy launched Spark to take on Alto, it ran a highly successful campaign guaranteeing Zero maintenance cost for three years. That gave lot of boost to the sale of Spark.
Wagon R in a way offers less risk for the discerning Indian consumers compared to the new entrants in terms of cost of maintenance, spares , service etc. That will help Wagon R hold on to its pivot position atleast for now.

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Wagon R

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Marketing Strategy : How to Manage Moments of Truth

Managing Moments of Truth

The article was originally published here at

Moments of Truth is a term popularised by Mr Jan Carlzon – the famed CEO of SAS Airlines who had written a book of the same name highlighting the efforts he had made to turn around the ailing airline.

Moments of Truth is defined as those touch points in an organisation where the customer directly interacts with the firm. These are the moments where the customers come in direct contact with the company. The interaction can be with a man or a machine. The touch points are critical because it is where the customer makes a decision to continue or terminate a relationship.

Moments of Truth concept has a wide application in marketing of services. Since services involves close and frequent interaction between the consumer and the service provider, managing these moments acquire strategic importance. The moment where the sales person visits the customer or when the consumer visits the office are opportunities to create an impression and build a relationship.

Identify Moments of Truth

The first step in managing these critical touch points is to identify the points where the company comes in contact with the customer. Kingfisher Airlines had the wisdom to understand that one of the first interactions between the Airlines and the customer comes when the customer reaches the airport. This moment was often neglected by most airlines. Kingfisher capitalized this moment of truth by introducing ushers who would welcome travellers and direct them to the boarding counters. This small step created a huge positive impact on the customer service perception for Kingfisher Airlines.

Organizations often fail to correctly identify these interaction points which often results in a negative customer experience. Hence it is important for all firms to identify and map the customer touch points so that those points could be made an opportunity to make an impact on the consumer.

For example, most of the firms think that the first touch point for a customer who is visiting an office will be the front office personnel. But in reality, the first touch point is the security personnel at the gate who makes the first interaction with the consumer. One of my colleagues discontinued his relationship with his car service centre because of the raw deal given to him by the security staff.

While the front office personnel are trained, security staffs are often outsourced and may / may not be trained in customer service. Smart companies even train these personnel on effective customer service behaviour because first impression is so critical.

Hence it is important for firms to have a service map which gives the marketer an idea about the instances where consumer tries to interact with the firm. Once this is mapped, the marketer will be able to create strategies to create an impact during these moments

Create Moments of Truths

While service organizations have a constant interaction with the customers, product companies may not have any direct interaction with the customers. A soap marketer may not directly interact with the end consumer at all.

In the highly insightful book The Game Changer, the CEO of P&G - AG Lafley identifies two moments of truth for product consumers. The first moment of truth is when the consumer goes to the retail store to purchase the product and the second moment of truth is when the consumer uses the product. The product marketers should make sure that they positively touch the consumer at these critical points.

How ever marketers should not resist from creating new touch points with the consumer. Brands like Sunsilk have taken the initiative to make a direct connection with the consumer by building a community – Sunsilk Gang of Girls. TVS and Maruti Suzuki has tried to connect with the consumer by opening driving schools for the consumers. Fastrack is constantly communicating with the consumers through social networking platforms like Twitter.

Internet has opened up a new platform for marketers to create and manage new moments of truth. Although internet penetration is low in India, it never the less produces a platform to meet consumers who are often the early adopters. Blogs, Twitter, social networking sites like Orkut and Facebook offers an opportunity for marketers to create a community and thus understand the pulse of the market.

People are the key

People are the key to managing moments of truth. Whether it is the front office personnel meeting the consumer who visits the office or be it the sales personnel visiting the customer, people form the most critical media through which the impression is made. It is important for people across different levels in the organization to understand that they have a role to play in managing these interactions.

In a highly insightful book on customer service titled “Hug Your Customers”, author Jack Mitchell talks about the importance of involving every member or organization in meeting and interacting with the consumer. Jack Mitchell is the CEO of a premium clothing company Mitchells/Richards which is well known for their extraordinary customer service. In Mitchells & Richards, every member of the firm from the CEO to the Accountant interacts with the consumers so that the concept of customer service excellence runs through the entire organization.

Encourage Interaction

"The customer (client) is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is a part of it. We are not doing him/her a favour by serving him/her. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so."

Mahatma Gandhi

This famous quote is seen displayed in most of the offices but seldom have we undertaken the activities in true spirit of this famous saying.

The critical questions that should be asked by firms in managing customer interactions are

· How easy is it for the customer to contact you?

· How fast will his query be answered?

· Is there a mechanism to measure his satisfaction?

· Do we reach out to him or wait for him to contact us?

· Do we discriminate our customers into large & small or do we have a culture that treats customers as equal?

· We have a promotions budget, expenses budget etc. Do we have a consumer relationship budget?

· Do our staffs are given sufficient authority and responsibility to make customer interactions fruitful?

Managing moments of truth is an expensive initiative. The fruits of which will be only visible in the long term. But this investment is worth it.