Sunday, August 7, 2011

My week

Hi everyone, back from lovely, sunny Portugal now and fully immersed in soap making, markets, kids, house and everything - you know how it is?  No sooner that you are back from a wonderful break life moves in and takes over at breakneck speed.

Can you believe we are already into August?  Well I can't.  I had so many plans and lists of things to do to get ready for the busy Autumn season of soap making and organising courses, needless to say I have done less than half of them.  One thing I have promised myself I will do is to update my blog more regularly and a way of doing that is to report once a week, at least, on the things I have enjoyed/learned about/seen etc. that have made a lasting impression on me.  I am going to try and do it every Sunday, so here goes.....

Oh, before I start (you see - Im already distracted), I just have to share this wonderful photo with you from our 130th Birthday celebration in Portugal.  All the family turned up and a lot of Riks family too, it was simply magical, the best birthday anyone could wish for and, for me, this sums it all up.  My dad was 80 this year, this was the first time that all his grandchildren and his great grandaughter have ever been all together so its a very special moment for us all.

My Dad and his wonderful Grandkids

WELL, this week was my first full week as a full time soap maker and it was great.  I just loved not having to worry about fitting in work days, I could just make, design, make more and create all week.  New soaps on the curing rack this week are
  • fabulously over the top soap cupcakes
  • Bridge Inn Beer Bar
  • My new Gardening/kitchen soap - Lime and Mocha
  • Some new sample soaps using local honey and beeswax from a North Devon beekeeper - more information to follow but its looking really good.
We flew to Lundy Island! 

Now its not very often you get to say that.  There was a planned 'Fly In' on the Island, the 10th anniversary event and I jumped at the chance of going as we planned to make a weekend of it and camp on Saturday night.  They were expecting over 100 light aircraft to fly in but then the British weather took hold.  The forecast was dire but we went for it, landed on a very bumpy, rabbit hole covered grass runway that was very short and taxied to the parking area, only a few planes were there and they all left bar one as we heard the event had been cancelled.  We decided to risk it, pitched the tent and stayed the night.  I don't know quite how weather forecasters in the UK do it, but they seem to get it wrong all the time.  The weather was fab today, after a very windy, rainy night we took off at 11.30am, flew back with a detour to the south coast to fly over Slapton Sands and Bee Sands as my mum was camping there with our dogs - all really wonderful.  I wonder that anyone bothers to plan excursions, camping trips or visits if they look at forecasts here, sometimes you just have to do it!  It very often turns out a lot better than you think.

Our Europa on Lundy taken from the tent door
I have also been really busy working on a brand new business venture with my very good friend and fellow soap maker Shelley Barnes.  Its so exciting, I am going back to Portugal for another two weeks in September to prepare, can't say too much right now but as soon as we get it all up and running, you will be the first to know.

So that's it, in a nutshell, nothing earth shattering, just a lovely, busy, happy week.  I hope I can say that every week.  Do let me know what you think?  I so love getting comments.

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