Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Week (a bit late!)

Sorry, I know I said I was going to be better but things just keep cropping up like they always do. It looks like we have decided to try selling our house again so we are madly trying to clean, sort out rooms and de-clutter.  As part of that Rik is having to move his office out of the conservatory, hes moving up to my office (a small 4th bedroom) and I am moving mine out to my workshop!  its been quite mad as you can imagine and we have only just started.

Beautiful Freya - RIP - Aug 2011
Very sadly this week my Mums beautiful German Shepherd Freya had to be put to sleep.  Her hips had got to the point where she just could not walk anymore.  She was a wonderful dog, bouncy, always up for a walk and swimming and was brilliant with kids.  Mum rescued her years ago so she was a lucky dog, getting a really loving, active home.  We will all miss her especially my poor Mum.

Happier things now - and as you all know, Lola is guaranteed to make me feel happy.  I discovered this photo while downloading a load of holiday photos onto my computer.  I forgot I had taken this, its on the ferry to Spain, back in June when Rik and I were privileged to be able to take Lola to Portugal on our own for a week.  Her parents were at Glastonbury and I jumped at the chance of taking her.  she was fantastic, 20 months old and slept through every night, ate everything put in front of her, generally smiled and laughed a lot and was the best of fun.  Grandchildren are so great.

AND LASTLY..... I have been working very hard on launching my new soap making classes.  its been great fun but lots of work.  My first class is scheduled for October 8th, just in time to make your own lovely soapy Christmas presents.  It will take place at Faringdon, a beautiful venue in East Devon, from 10am and will cover the basics of Cold Process soap making.  If you come along you will learn to make and take home 2lbs of soap with you, the soap will be fragranced and coloured to your liking and in your own molds that you can re-use again and again at home.  Packs of ingredients to carry on making will be available as well as comprehensive handouts to remind you what you have learnt.  If you are interested in getting priority booking forms please email me at soapchick@naturallymadesoaps.co.uk the course has not yet been publicised so get in quickly, I would love to see you there.  There will be a maximum of 8 people on each course.

All the best, sorry no soap photos this time, my camera has bust and I need a new one.  I have just turned out a lovely new Sandalwood and Rum Cream soap, its looking lovely.  I will take some photos soon.  One for the men this Christmas.

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