Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DragonCon 2011 Schedule

Wow, this place is dusty.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Lots has been happening on the personal life front, and it's been hard for Nora and I to dedicate anytime to the podcast. The good news is that my other podcast "Geek A Week" will be returning this week! Hooray! I am launching a second season of the project at DragonCon this weekend in Atlanta. If you're going, see you there! If not, watch Twitter, Facebook, etc. for all sorts of updates.

I'm on a few panels this year, more than last year for sure. In addition to my Geek A Week panel and flash card signings around the Con, you can catch me at these following places. I also plan on trying to do at least one art battle if I can. Once again, watch the Twitters (@jawboneradio) for updates.

Here's my official schedule!


Geek a Week Podcast Reunion

Description: Join artist Len Peralta as he talks with geek superstars that were featured on the Geek A Week Podcast.

Time: Fri 01:00 pm Location: Regency VI - VII - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)


The Walking Dead Fan Panel

Description: The Walking Dead isn't just a great TV show, it's a great comic too! Come get your geek on as we discuss both mediums of this great universe.

Time: Sat 02:30 pm Location: Atlanta C-D - Westin (Length: 1 Hour)


Apocalyptic Art

Description: Discuss with our panel of artists the pros and cons of creating images of creatures/events that only exist in our imaginations (for now…).

Time: Sun 11:30 am Location: Atlanta C-D - Westin (Length: 1 Hour)

Hope to see some of you this weekend! Hooray!

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