Sunday, October 31, 2010

Moisturizing Cream from Dove Bath Soap Brands

bath soap brands

Dove Bath Soap Moisturizing Cream Brands issued a product which is of course useful to help brighten the skin to appear more white, not dull, bright and shining so that it looked interesting. Products from Dove also have hand soap, shampoo and others. Dove soap is soft skin, so that many Indonesian women who like and fit to wear.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Links

Turn yourself into a Zombie

According to the users of [Internet Movie Data Base] here are the top rated horror movies of all time:

1.Psycho (1960)
2.Alien (1979)
3.The Shining (1980)
4.Diabolique (1955)
5.The Thing (1982)
6.Rosemary's Baby (1968)
7.The Exorcist (1973)
8.The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
9.Frankenstein (1931)
10.Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)

Friday, October 29, 2010


Origin - Latin patientia  the ability to accept delay, trouble or suffering without becoming angry or upsed.

OK Im not sure that reason two or three above apply here but THANK YOU ALL for being so patient waiting for the news of my new Christmas soaps.

They are here!!!

I am so excited to bring this, my best selling Christmas soap, back this year. Its re-vamped and soooo much better.  This soap bar is Christmas luxury at its best, warm and spicy scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and mixed spice (I have also added a hint of sandalwood for extra warmth).  Let this lovely essential oil blend take you to the first time you take the Christmas Cake out of the oven and the whole house smells great. Made with whole fresh goats milk this bar is a creamy, bubbly delight. Imagine yourself relaxing in a hot bath with the spicy, scented steam rising around you as you sip your hot toddy, go on, you deserve it!! 

The top is decorated with dried  oranges, anise and cinnamon scented soap curls.  Also it's swirled with a rich bronze mica.  Its a feast both for the eyes and the skin.

 A real winter winner!


OK....   I really love this soap - it sold like crazy on its first public outing today at Budleigh Farmers Market - everyone loved the scent, I wish you could smell it right now.

New for 2010 a totally gorgeous soap. The snowberries are pure white with a touch of glitter surrounded by creamy smooth goats milk soap. Some are outlined with black, some are pure white, its a randomly beautiful mix. This soap has a crisp, cool mix of scents reminiscent of a winters day walk - you know the ones, lovely crunchy frost, the smell of fresh forests and cold earth. The main scent comes from pine and eucalyptus essential oils with spruce and menthol and a tiny bit of lavender and cedarwood. It's divine, my favorite winter mixture by far. Very, very different from the spicy richness of Christmas Spice Cake. This is truly a bathing experience, soooo bubbly and soft, and will be loved by both men and women alike. I am very proud of this soap!!

Crisp, clean winter freshness


Now I was going to call these little lovelies Christmas Wishes but I felt that sounded a bit naff, why not call them what they look like?

This is such a pretty cupcake, new for 2010.

With a dark pink base and duo shaded green icing these little cupcakes look so good. Topped off with a frosted silver soap star they will really make you think of Christmas. Lightly sprinkled with green sparkles and larger star sparkles, they really catch the light and the eye. Fantastic stocking fillers and they even smell like a Christmas tree as they are scented with pine essential oil.  Also, this lovely cupcake has a mini version too.  If you want to put smiles on faces this Christmas then this soap is a sure fire winner every time!

Cupcake heaven with with a magical silver frosted soap star on the top, the best thing is that it smells exactly like a Christmas tree cut freshly from the forest.

And finally.........................

Back by popular demand......................

Real soap mince pies exactly the same as Mum makes them! - Well this Mum anyway.  Soap scented with apple, orange, cinnamon and spice, smells exactly like the real thing.  Lovely bubbles for kids (and grownups too) this Christmas time treat makes the perfect stocking filler, just make sure they don't eat them! 
When people see these soaps they are totally flummoxed and I love it - then they realise they are soap and the smiles and laughs are worth all the hassle making them.  The new recipe, (handmade, natural cold process soap, no palm oil, no SLS, no parabens and no Melt and Pour) for this year is going down really well, they smell divine and look so lifelike, more photos to come.

We are going away to Portugal for Christmas - YIPEEEEEE!!- cant wait, probably a bad business move but I can't stop myself.  We have never been there for The festive season and are so looking forward to it.  What this means is, if you would like to make a very large order of soaps you will need to get the order in to me before Sunay 28th November to ensure delivery by Mid December.  Otherwise just order as normal via the website Naturally Made Soaps and as long as you order before Friday 17th December we should be able to get your soaps to you before Christmas.  If there are any problems we will get in touch.

We are taking over our new, beautiful Royal Blue ESSE solid fuel cooker (the same as the ones used on River Cottage) to get it plumbed into our already fixed underfloor heating system/solar system.  So, if it makes you feel any better, its a very hard working holiday, as usual!!  (tiling and grouting, clearing land, plumbing, etc)
We will be back in England on Wednesday January 12th although you will still be able to contact me via emailblog and (I hope) twitter

So I should get to blog before we go but keep looking at the NEWS section of my website to see where Naturally Made Soaps are appearing next, come along and catch up with me, it would be great to see you XXX

PS Please let me know what you think of my new soaps, I'd love to get some feedback, it all helps

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Camouflaging Buildings During WWII

These photos have been circulating the web for some time now, but they are pretty neat. They are supposedly of the Lockheed plant in California, where they used to manufacture planes. In any case, during WWII the USA was afraid of Japan bombing military and industrial targets on the West Coast. So one measure they took was to camouflage entire buildings too look like other typed of buildings or

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Brand Update : Amul Macho Repositions with Saif Ali Khan

In a significant move, Amul Macho brand has repositioned itself. This season, the brand shed its raunchy image and moved into the ordinary . The brand also roped in Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan as the brand ambassador. Amul Macho is currently running the campaign with the new brand ambassador.

Watch the ad here : Amul Macho
In the current repositioning exercise, the brand dropped the earlier theme of " sexy " and moved into a theme that talks about brand personality. Along with the repositioning, Amul Macho also changed its tagline " Ye To Bada Toing hain " to " Bede Aaram se ".

According to news reports the brand wants to be perceived as cool and more sophisticated. The earlier campaign projected the brand as raw sexy one and now the brand logically wants to be more urban/upmarket while appealing to the mass market.

The new tagline implies that the brand user is one who get things done effortlessly. The ad tries desperately to convey the message of effortlessness rather unsuccessfully. The concept of effortlessness is highly attractive to men but in this case the brand failed to convey the promise effectively to the audience. The tagline " Bede Aaram Se " talks about comfort as well as effortlessness but how ever the poor execution of the positioning concept made the tagline look very old and familiar.

Amul Macho is one of the fastest growing innerwear brand in India. The brand currently has a turnover of over Rs 355 crore.

While the earlier campaigns ( although of poor taste and raunchy) helped Amul Macho to break the clutter. But the current one places the brand right inside the crowd of other innerwear brands . Brands like Lux, Rupa etc also uses celebrity endorsers and with the current repostioning, Amul Macho made itself undifferentiated with the rest of the crowd.

Very few brands were able to successfully integrate itself the concept of effortlessness . Although everyone likes the concept it is very difficult for a brand to project that as a brand promise in a convincing manner. It will take a real big idea to really drive that promise into the consumer's mind. Amul Macho may have to try little more harder to reach that place.

Related Post

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brand Update : Horlicks Becomes A Megabrand !

This had to happen.

Horlicks officially has become a mega-brand. Mega-brands are those brands which have their presence across various product-lines and categories. There will be a wide range of products under the same brand name across multiple product categories.

GSK has recently launched the first integrated brand campaign for Horlicks which positions the brand as a Mega-brand endorsing products across categories like beverages, biscuits , snack bars,etc

This is the first time that the brand brings all the various extensions under the same campaign. Horlicks as the umbrella brand retains the classic tagline " The Great Family Nourisher ".

Along with the new campaign, the brand also has redesigned the critical brand elements like the Logo and the Packaging. The brand had made some changes with regard to the logo color and made the logo + color scheme standard across all extensions. The brand also made the packaging standard for all its beverages viz Horlicks Lite, Women's Horlicks , standard Horlicks etc.

The official acknowledgement of Horlicks as a mega-brand in a way clears the ambiguity regarding the future of the Horlicks brand. In recent blog posts, I had criticized the brand for their aggressive brand extensions. In this one move, Horlicks has given an answer to the critic in me . Horlicks is no longer a health-drink brand. It is a mega-brand which has interest in foods,beverages, snack-bars and all the future opportunities that arise in the market ( whether you like it or not).

This move thus gives lot of clarity to the brand managers. The brand has boldly made a decision whether it is right or wrong. The brand can aggressively pursue any opportunity in the market because that is what is implied in this strategic move of making Horlicks -a mega brand.

Horlicks is now a Rs 1500 crore brand. The brand is having around 52% share in the health food drinks category ( which is estimated to be Rs 2000 crore). The brand also has presence in biscuits ( total market size - Rs 11000 crore) and in snack-bar ( total mkt size -Rs 250 cr0re).

With the new brand architecture , Horlicks is looking at a larger market which comprises of all kinds of health foods and packaged/branded beverages which is having a total market size of over Rs 100,000 crore ( Source : Campaign India). So one should be prepared to see the launch of products like Horlicks Icecreams, Horlicks Oats etc in future.

On the brighter side, the repositioning of Horlicks as a mega-brand will rationalize the marketing cost for GSK. Although there will be individual brand communications for categories, the brand can now put more money on pushing the core brand which will inturn help all products under the umbrella.

But as major critics of such branding like Alries would point out, Horlicks has now lost its identity. Now consumers will find it difficult to assign a unique position for Horlicks. This dilution can be an opportunity for specialized products which can threaten the strongholds of Horlicks which is the health-food-drink. A focused health food drink brand can now challenge Horlicks's position but the fact is that there is none so far. Complan too has launched products outside the HFD category.

As a keen observer of marketing I feel that the move of making Horlicks is the biggest risk taken by this brand. The brand has moved into the current architecture when competition has become tough in the health-drink category. It will be worthwhile to watch the future of this mega-brand.

Related Post

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Marketing Strategy : Celebrating the WoW Moments

Seldom does brands hit upon wonderful ideas that capture the attention of the consumers. During the last IPL season, Vodafone hit upon such a wonderful advertising idea – The ZooZoo. Those white cute characters quickly captured the imagination of India. ZooZoos were all around the media with rave reviews, blogs and viral videos. The entire marketing community was watching how the brand will handle the unprecedented success of the ZooZoos.

Vodafone themselves was surprised at the success of ZooZoo and it took a while for the company to wake up to the idea of capitalizing the success of ZooZoo by launching merchandises, games, contests and social media engagement. To take the popularity to ZooZoo to the next level, the brand also launched a campaign asking the public to contribute to the advertising campaigns by suggesting ideas.

It is important for the brands to capitalize every such wow factors to the maximum. The big ideas can come in the form of a tagline, a celebrity, a brand mascot, a product feature or an advertising idea. Once that big idea becomes highly accepted by the consumers, it is important for the brand to take it to the next level of engagement.

Take the example of the MRF‘s association with Sachin Tendulkar and cricket. The association started off as a brand endorsement. MRF’s logo on Sachin’s bat got the brand so much visibility that cricket fans began to ask for MRF bats at sports shops. MRF later launched its cricket kits to cash on the popularity. To celebrate the brand’s association with cricket, MRF also ventured into launching MRF pace foundation which has become a vital talent school for pace bowlers. All these engagements involved investments that could not be recovered on a short-term. MRF also involved seriously into racing sports which had a direct connection with the brand’s offering. MRF began to celebrate its involvement in rallies thereby reinforcing the brand’s credibility as a modern, tough tire brand. In all these activities, the brand involved 100% and the investments was not blinded by a quest for short-term sales spurts.

It was a wow- moment for Nike when it chose the tagline “Just Do It”. Customers loved the tagline and Nike did not waste a moment in celebrating the tagline. The tagline became an integral factor in the success of Nike brand. In the Indian context, Idea Cellular Ltd hit upon a hit tagline “ An Idea can Change Your Life ”. The brand also signed up Abhishek Bachchan as the brand ambassador. The brand celebrated these two big ideas together with huge success.

Marketers should look for signs of success of their big and small ideas. There is a huge potential for celebration when consumers start talking about those WoW moments. When consumer starts talking about the brand, marketers should take the cue and take the engagement to the next level.

Have a plan to celebrate.

In this highly competitive world, time is a precious resource. The brand should celebrate its ideas before the euphoria dies down. More time the marketer spent contemplating on the planning phase, the less effective the engagement. There has to be a plan to systematically enhance the engagement with the consumers in the event of such a wow-moment.

Celebrating the brand’s wow moments can have lot of positive rub-offs. It can create an engagement with the consumers. Take the case of ZooZoo. These characters created lot of engagement with the brand and the public (consumers and non-consumers of Vodafone). The ZooZoo fan page in Facebook has more than 3.30 lakh fans. Through these, the brand is able to connect with a larger base of existing and potential consumers who hold a positive frame of mind towards the brand or its campaigns.

Use all the marketing opportunities.

We are living in a highly networked world that offers many opportunities to engage with the consumers. Indian marketers are slow in adapting to newer ways of connecting to the consumers. Once Vodafone figured out the celebrating ZooZoo, it went on an overdrive using all the media opportunities. Vodafone is now using social media like Facebook, Orkut etc to create more engagement with the consumers. It also sells ZooZoo merchandise through select outlets. There are also contests and games which consumers can play in the social media that created lot of consumer engagement.

Celebration is an investment.

In an era of spreadsheets,ROIs and quarterly reports it is difficult for marketers to quickly quantify the returns for such a celebration. Hence it would be prudent for marketers should consider such marketing activities as a long-term investment. Although there may not be an immediate spike in the sales, one should be able to see the long-term equity that such a celebration can deliver to the brand.

Link the celebration to the brand.

While there are a lot of advantages in celebrating the wow- moments, marketers should have clarity in linking the celebration to the brand’s big picture. Brand needs to benefit from the celebration either in terms of better visibility, market share, loyalty or engagement with the consumers. Periodic reviews and assessment will help marketers to justify further investments in celebrating brand’s small and big successes.

Originally Published here in

A Wooden Car

I was e-mailed pictures of this cool custom built wooden car. Apparently it rides on a 1986 Toyota truck frame and gets power from a Chrysler 318 engine. It is driven by an automatic transmission and has just 1,800 miles on its odometer. The whole body is made of cedar and its interior is just as cool as the exterior. I couldn't find the original source, but let me know if you find it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Channel Powder Makeup

face Powder compact

Compact powder made in the Channel, there are two different colors you can use, adjust the color and your skin type. To obtain maximum results, apply loose powder first, then overwritten ole compact. Ease the compact because of its dense, so you can take them anywhere, without fear of spilling.

Usually is small so it does not take place if taken in purse or cosmetic bag.
Face powder compact is also easy to use, just to remove the oil added to the face, or to cover stains.

Devon Cream Tea offer SOLD OUT and now over.....

Thanks so much to all of you who helped clear the decks for my Christmas soaps.  I really love creating new ideas however, I hold up my hands and admit to revamping some old stuff.  Firstly, my very special Mince Pies....  Ive still not got a photo of these yet as they are in the making, but almost ready for sale and photos.  Can you believe soaps that look and smell exactly like the real thing?  Well they are on the way.  These were my biggest Christmas sellers last year, they are so cute and smell fab too.

But really, I have to admit to re-designing my absolute favourite soap ever.....  Christmas Spice Cake, here is the first picture....

Spice luxury

Its soooo lovely.  I always loved this soap, last year it was my best selling bar soap.  I have redesigned it, and I am very, very happy with the result.   it has the most wonderful spicy smell, clove, cinnamon, sweet orange and sandalwood, it is packed full of the best oils and scents ever.  No Palm oil - of course, but Coconut oil, masses of olive oil, Shea butter and cocoa butter making it the best Christmas treat ever.  Just you wait until you see the whole bar, its big, creamy and bronzed on top, studded with real Portuguese dried oranges and star anise as well as curls of chocolate cardamom soap and glace cherry balls.

New 'Snowberry' soap as well as Chritmas Wishes cupcakes, both large and small,

COMING SOON...............  Keep watching, on sale in about a week

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Learn the 4 "R's"

There are so many great ways to have a greener school yearly. This is a top ten list of SIMPLE ideas you can implement in your school, in no time, and with no cost! All the while, encouraging GREEN habits, pro-active solutions and teaching the 4 “r’s”.

1. Reusable Containers

Encourage everyone to use reusable containers to hold their snacks, drinks and lunches - so that no plastic or paper has to be thrown away. This is a great way to REDUCE!

2. Scrap Paper Box

Keep a scrap paper box in a convenient location. Encourage everyone to use both sides of the paper. This is a great way to Renew!

3. Ecology Craft Box

So many of the items normally bound for the garbage actually make wonderful craft materials. Boxes, tissue paper, string, and plastic bottles are some of the items kids can use to make great projects. This is a great way to recycle!

4. School supply SWAP

Organize a school supply swap or have a swap box in the classroom for unused school supplies and books. This is a great way to REDUCE!

5. Book Swap:

Encourage additional reading! Organize a one-day book swap or have a “free book” bookcase in the classroom.This is a great way to REUSE!

6. Organize a “Walking School Bus” or Car Pool:

If kids live close to school, we love this idea. Kids can learn to save energy and gas by using alternative means of transportation such as bicycle, walk or ride sharing. This is a great way to REDUCE!

7. Get Your Whole School to Recycle. Start a Go Green PATROL

Go Green Patrol is a great way to encourage kids In school. This is a great project for your class. if your school does not already have a recycling program in place. If your school already recycles, see if your class can improve the current system. This is a great way to RECYCLE!

8. Recycle Fundraisers:

Good for the school good for the environment. Recycle phones and ink cartridges. Earn points and money for your classroom. Encourage companies to sponsor your by donating their points. A recycle fundraiser gets everyone involved. This is a great way to RECYCLE!

9. School Beautification:

Teach kids to love their surroundings and earn a green thumb. Start seedlings and later plant flowers around the schoolyard. Encourage them to maintain the garden. This is a great way to RENEW!

10. ORGANIZE a “Going Green Day”.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Seal a Plastic Bag with a Bottle Cap

Someone sent me this neat idea the other day.

You take a plastic bottle and cut off the top and neck.
Next you insert the top of a plastic bag through the opening in the bottle. Fold the edges of the bag over the bottle opening and screw on the lid. There you have it, a water tight seal for your bag.Source


Ok, I know, its a bit silly but Christmas is coming and summer is gone!  come on lets face it we know it has :-(

But I have the best little pick-u-up...........  Fancy a tiny bit of summer?  Nice fragrance, lovely holiday feeling?  My Christmas soaps are starting to take over the curing racks and I still don't have a new workshop so it can only get worse, its a BIG HUGE clear out, starting now.  I need to let my lovely summer cream tea cupcakes go...

Devon Cream Tea - Strawbery Jam

Devon Cream Tea - Blackberry Jelly

So if you are interested in getting these lovely babies for half price - thats 50% off guys!!
ie. cost price click on the facebook link on this site and follow the instructions.  I don't have very many left so go for it.

Keep clicking here tho............  New Christmas soaps nearly ready for pictures and they are so lovely I cant wait to share them XXXX

Brand Update : Peter England is the Beginning of Good Things

It has been almost four years since I updated about this brand. Peter England has always been my favorite brand and it remains so even after all these years. But somehow I missed to update about this wonderful brand for such a long time.

In these four years, Peter England has become a Rs 500 crore brand growing more than 30% annually. In the last IPL season, Peter England hit the branding circuit with a bang by sponsoring Chennai Super Kings. The brand also dabbed into suits as well as casual wear in this time. At one point in time, the brand had a campaign featuring Kareeena Kapoor.

2010 is witnessing another beginning for the brand. The brand has roped in the South Indian Actor Siddharth as brand ambassador and is currently running a campaign featuring the celebrity. Along with the brand ambassador, Peter England is also repositioning itself on a new platform. The brand has changed its tagline to " Beginning of Good Things ".

Watch the new campaign here : Peter England

In their press releases, the brand talks about the new positioning. Peter England wants to epitomize confidence that arises out of self belief. The brand wants to remind the users about their inner strength that will arise of self-confidence and Peter England will be the source of that self confidence.

Although the brand's new proposition sounds good and is a sort of laddering up, I surely miss the first campaign of Peter England - The Honest Shirt . That was a campaign that expressed the brand completely. The promise of a Honest Shirt was embraced by consumers because the message was so simple , direct and relevant.

But how ever, the brand got bored with the positioning and moved over to an aspirational " Honestly Impressive " theme. Although the concept was good, it was no where near the original one interms of relevance and simplicity.

To be frank, I did not like the new tagline -Beginning of Good Things ( personal opinion !) . The positioning almost is similar to Cadbury Dairy Milk's Shubh Aarambh theme ( for an auspicious beginning). And theme of self confidence arising out of dress is neither new nor clutter breaking. Its just another campaign and the brand will see its sales going northward because of the smart selection of the celebrity.

Siddharth will make the brand more appealing to youngsters. The flooding of the market by various regional brands/private labels and the trend among youngsters to go for street fashion rather than branded ones is making the lives of brands like Peter England difficult . The popularity of Siddharth among youngsters will bring back lot of them to the brand.

Peter England as a brand will make sense because of the inherent value proposition. As long as the value proposition remains the same, there is no stopping for this brand.

Related Post

Friday, October 15, 2010

Brand Update : Idea Wants To Break Language Barrier

Idea Cellular has hit upon another smart idea this season with the latest " language barrier " ad. Sirji now wants to break the language barrier using mobile phones.

Taking the concept of " An idea can change your life " , Idea cellular has been relentlessly pursuing new ideas in their campaigns. Whether those ideas have any relevance to the brand or not, campaigns were run with passion. This persistence has paid off for the brand interms of brand recognition and also interms of market share.

This time the brand talks about how the mobile telephony can the solve the issue of language barrier in a diverse country like India. A country with 28 recognized languages and 22000 dialects, language has been a big problem for those people who needs constant relocation.
As a follow-up to the campaign , Idea launched a language helpline across the circles it operates for the general public. Through the helpline, the caller can get the help of a translator . The user should give the message to be translated in English and the helpline agent will translate the message in the language required by the caller. The helpline is open to non- Idea subscribers also.

One of the key lessons from the brand is the power of passion. The brand owners are passionate about the brand's positioning and it invests heavily in the campaigns bombarding the consumers with passionate messages. This passion has made " What an Idea Sirji " line a part of the common lingo of youngsters.
The ad campaign has been well received by the viewers and it needs to be seen whether the actual service will be used by the consumers. Whether it is used or not, Idea should be congratulated on the consistency and the passion in which it approach the core brand positioning.

Related post

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Job Interview

I saw this on Comedy Central and thought it was freaking hilarious.

"A job interview goes exceptionally well despite getting off to an awkward, late start."

Important Things with Demetri Martin
2 (Part 2) - The Job Interview

Ugly Americans New EpisodesNick Swardson's Pretend TimeNight of Too Many Stars

Jawbone #280: Huge Guy Reminisces

CNN fallout. Sunny D and Rum. My new wife's name. Huge Guy. Enjoy the show!

(record this scene called "Huge Guy Reminisces" by either calling the GeekLine at 216.236.GEEK or recording it and sending it jawboneradio AT gmail dot com. The best reading done without laughing will get a prize pack featuring a pack of Geek A Week cards and a collection of books including a copy of "Silly Rhymes For Belligerent Children". This is what the huge guy actually said to Nora:)

"My breakup came out of left field. I went home because I live with my girlfriend. I took a shower. She took a shower. We made love. Which was awesome. Powerful. She even told me it was the most passionate lovemaking we've ever done. And now - it's all over."

Good luck!

Download now.

Hi, Remember Us?

Things have been really busy here at the Nobby Annex and it's been pretty tough to record a new show over the past few weeks. We are going to attempt to record a new show tonight, but in the meantime here are some places where you can hear (at the very least) my voice.

I've been doing a lot of press interviews for Trace Beaulieu and my new book "Silly Rhymes For Beligerent Children" (which is available now , BTW). You can hear Trace and I yammer on a radio show called "Spare The Rock, Spoil The Child" .

Trace are I are on a podcast called "Comics Are Go!" recorded right here in Cleveland. My part is being broken into two parts. So you can hear part one if you go to the link on iTunes.

And a nice little feather in my cap is that my Geek A Week project was just covered by I'm pretty humbled by the article and it's pretty amazing to have some of my geek heroes and heroines saying complimentary things about my art. Check that out here.

Like I said, with any luck, a new Jawbone tonight. Thanks for sticking with us!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rhomlon Glitter Liquid Eyeliner


Rhomlon Glitter Liquid Eyeliner, eye makeup is the final appearance there patches of color around the eye. You can adjust the color glitter with the party scene or costume. Makeup ideas are often needed to show something different. So it takes great confidence.

With the makeup looks someone will look different on the sidelines of daily routines such as office work, housewives or young girls and young women. Eye makeup is used to further sharpen the eye so that the more beautiful appearance.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Smell Like a Monter

Do I like this just because I have a 2 year old, or is it legitimately funny/cute?

Vivanta By Taj : Discover

Brand : Vivanta
Company : Indian Hotels Company Ltd ( IHCL)
Ad Agency : Rediffusion Y&R

Brand Analysis Count : 464

Vivanta is the new brand from Indian Hotels Company Ltd ( aka Taj Hotels & Resorts) launched as a result of a brand restructuring exercise. The new brand Vivanta will replace the Taj Residency brand and will represent IHCL's presence in the Upper Upscale segment of Indian hotel/hospitality market.Vivanta was initially launched in 2008 when IHCL rebranded three Taj Residency properties to Vivanta. IHCL tested and tweaked the brand for two years before the national roll out in 2010. Now around 19 Taj properties has been rebranded to Vivanta.

The rebranding of Taj Residency to Vivanta is a part of the Tata group to move from a " Branded House " to " House of Brands " brand portfolio structure. The move towards a basket of brands started with the launch of Ginger brand of hotels for the domestic budget business traveler. The Ginger brand launch was followed by the launch of The Gateway Hotels brand which saw many Taj properties being rebranded to " The Gateway Hotels ". Now the launch of Vivanta completes one phase of the very important brand restructuring exercise.

Now IHCL has the following brands in the Indian hotel segment :
Taj brand -- Targeting the most luxurious segment. The brand will have properties on the best locales and attract the most premium customers.

Vivanta : Will be 10-15 % cheaper than Taj Hotels and target the upper upscale segment of the market. The brand will have presence on major cities and tourist destinations and will attract the affluent customers.

The Gateway Hotels - Will be 10-15% cheaper than Vivanta and will target the upscale segment and the business travelers. This brand will be located in most cities which are frequented by business and leisure travelers and will attract young professionals.

Ginger : Will be the lowest priced hotels targeting the frequently traveling businessmen. The brand has successfully tapped the need for a chain of quality hotels which targets the travelers with limited budget.

The important question is regarding the rationale for such a brand portfolio decision. Isn't it better to have a branded house portfolio where all hotels will have the Taj brand ?

The move is very relevant for IHCL because this restructuring will prevent dilution of Taj brand which is perceived to be a premium luxury brand. The use of Taj brand for all hotel properties of IHCL made sense in all these years because the market was not highly segmented.

Now Indian hotel/hospitality market has matured and is witnessing lot of interest from domestic and international players. The who is who of hospitality industry is already in the Indian market and a lot is waiting to enter. It is in this context that IHCL had to relook the brand portfolio decisions. The consumers also have evolved and different class of consumers has evolved in recent years.

Since Taj was used to endorse all properties of IHCL, there is always a chance of different types of properties carrying the Taj brand. So in a city there will be two type of property - one luxurious and another upper scale carrying the same brand name. This can create problems interms of brand positioning. If IHCL needs to position Taj as a luxurious brand, it needs to have a consistency in terms of the physical evidence ( hotel properties ) and the core product ( service). This consistency cannot be possible when there are inconsistencies in terms of size of hotel properties and the level of service in those hotels.

Another issue with Branded House is that the firm will be constrained by the values /positioning of the core brand.Hence IHCL may not be able to tap into opportunities other than luxury hotels if they follow branded house strategy. The launch of Ginger in the budget segment is an effort by the company to move into tapping other opportunities presented by the market.

Now with the introduction of two brands - The Gateway Hotels and Vivanta, IHCL is now able to arrange the properties in accordance with the respective brand's positioning. Taj will now be an exclusive brand associating only with best properties and service promises. The other three brands will enable IHCL to tap into the opportunities of the market without being constrained by Taj 's brand positioning.

The next issue is whether the new brands will be able to retain the equity of Taj. According to press reports, IHCL was able to establish " The Gateway Hotels " as a credible brand. Ofcourse it cannot match the equity of Taj but the heritage and the loyal customers will see the brand through this transition period. The advantage is that IHCL can give a separate identity to these brands.

Vivanta is positioned as a young brand. The brand is targeting the new breed of young affluents. The service architecture also reflects the focus on the young rich traveler. According to the recent report in Business Standard, the brand has identified critical touch points where it could differentiate itself from other brands.To help the brand establish itself, Vivanta is currently endorsed by Taj brand. In the marketing communications, the branding is done as " Vivanta by Taj ". This endorsement will continue till Vivanta establish itself as an independent brand.

Vivanta brand name is inspired by the term Bon Vivant . The typical consumer profile for Vivanta is one who is sophisticated and have appreciation for good things in life.
Vivanta is currently running a print campaign announcing the launch. The ad positions the new brand promise and the youthful look for the brand. See it here.

Consumers will definitely miss the Taj brand. The status and the feeling of pride when staying in Taj brand of hotels is now restricted to a select few.

In the long - term perspective, the move of IHCL has done the right thing. The brands need to be nurtured and it will be the service promise and delivery that will help these new brands to establish themselves as worthy successors of Taj.

Related brand

Friday, October 8, 2010

Announcement : Rajagiri National Business Quiz

Rajagiri Center for Business Studies ( where I teach) is organizing a National Business Quiz Competition for Management Students and Corporates. The quiz is being conducted as a part of Inflore- the management festival organized by the management students of RCBS.

The National Business Quiz will be held on 29th and 30th October 2010 at the Valley Campus , Rajagiri Valley ,Kochi, Kerala.

The winning team of the quiz will walk away with a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh and runner up team will be awarded Rs 50,000.

Interested students and corporate quizzers can register here

More details, rules and regulations about the quiz can be accessed here.

So if you are a quiz enthusiast, be here to compete with the best quizzers from around the country.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marketing Strategy : The World of Experiential Marketing

Marketers are now faced with intense competition at one hand and a media clutter on the other hand. These issues are going to aggravate in the years to come. Differentiation will become difficult and if at all brands can create differentiation, communicating the uniqueness will become even more difficult.

It is in this scenario that experiential marketing becomes relevant. According to Professor Kevin Lane Keller, Experiential marketing promotes product by not only communicating a product’s features and benefits but also connecting it with unique and interesting experiences.

Traditionally, experiential marketing was appealing to those products and services that have high experience attributes. Experience attributes are those attributes which cannot be evaluated by consumers before purchase. Consumers have to experience those attributes inorder to evaluate or form opinion about it. For example, resorts, holiday packages, Spas etc are products that have high experience attributes. Marketers have to market those products/services by taking the customer through the product experience. Communicating experience attributes is one of the most difficult tasks in marketing communication.

As the consumers are moving towards an experience eco-system, marketers of all kinds of products and services should be willing to embrace the concept of experiential marketing. There are many forces that are driving this experience economy. Consumers are now exposed to a wide range of products and services. This exposure has enabled them to see beyond the marketing communication originated from the brand.

Another factor that is driving the trend towards experience is the clutter. When the product features remains the same, consumers tend to bias their purchase decisions towards those products that offer them a better experience.

Experience can happen at different levels. According to Bernd Schmitt of Columbia University, how the brands sense, feel, think, act and relate have a strong impact on the way the brands are perceived by the consumers (Journal of Marketing Management, 1999). Marketers can think about engaging with the consumers only if they are able to connect with the consumers across these five critical experience points.

In order to create an effective customer experience, marketers need to think beyond product categories. Categories are increasingly becoming irrelevant as far as consumers are concerned. Technological innovations are enabling firms to create products that transcends beyond boundaries. The focus is on the consumer’s needs and wants rather than creating a new product within a specified category.

Most of the product marketers are confused about building an experience around the physical product. How is it possible to create an experience when the consumers purchase products from retail outlets and consumes it at their own convenience?

In such a scenario, one method is to create a consumption experience in the mind of the consumer that will compliment the real consumption experience. For example, Cadbury Dairy Milk is a brand which successfully created a consumption experience in the mind of the consumer. From the product – chocolate, the brand has moved from the physical characteristics of taste and quality to a joyful experience of consuming chocolate. The recent campaign for Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk is a classic case of creating experience in the mind of the consumer.

Another method is the engage the consumers in different platforms. HUL which is India’s largest FMCG Company recently launched a website called Be Beautiful ( as a platform to communicate with its consumers. “Be Beautiful”, unlike other brand website , is a platform for all of HUL’s personal care brands like Pond’s, Lakme, Sunsilk, Vaseline and Dove to connect with the consumer. While the consumer experiences the actual products at her home, these brands try to engage consumers and shape their experience with the brand through the website. The website offers a platform for the brand to interact directly with the consumers thus create an opportunity for experiential marketing.

While marketers think too much about using the social media for advertising and promoting their products, they miss out the opportunity to engage with the consumers and create an experience in them about the brand.

Events are also a smart way of creating brand experience and to relate to the customer. Brands like Colgate uses events like “Dental Check Up Camps” to relate to the consumer. These events not only reinforce the positioning but also give a sense of relatedness to the consumers.

The cornerstone of experiential marketing is that the entire organization should be integrated to deliver the desired experience of the consumer. Philip Kotler defines Holistic Marketing as that which is based on the development design and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities that recognizes their breadth and interdependencies. When endeavouring into experiential marketing, the entire organization should be thinking alike, be it the operations, sales, finance or HR. Brand websites which are seldom updated, complaints not attended to properly, rude sales people, unethical corporate practices can severely undermine the experiential marketing endeavour.

Originally published here in