Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Devon Cream Tea offer SOLD OUT and now over.....

Thanks so much to all of you who helped clear the decks for my Christmas soaps.  I really love creating new ideas however, I hold up my hands and admit to revamping some old stuff.  Firstly, my very special Mince Pies....  Ive still not got a photo of these yet as they are in the making, but almost ready for sale and photos.  Can you believe soaps that look and smell exactly like the real thing?  Well they are on the way.  These were my biggest Christmas sellers last year, they are so cute and smell fab too.

But really, I have to admit to re-designing my absolute favourite soap ever.....  Christmas Spice Cake, here is the first picture....

Spice luxury

Its soooo lovely.  I always loved this soap, last year it was my best selling bar soap.  I have redesigned it, and I am very, very happy with the result.   it has the most wonderful spicy smell, clove, cinnamon, sweet orange and sandalwood, it is packed full of the best oils and scents ever.  No Palm oil - of course, but Coconut oil, masses of olive oil, Shea butter and cocoa butter making it the best Christmas treat ever.  Just you wait until you see the whole bar, its big, creamy and bronzed on top, studded with real Portuguese dried oranges and star anise as well as curls of chocolate cardamom soap and glace cherry balls.

New 'Snowberry' soap as well as Chritmas Wishes cupcakes, both large and small,

COMING SOON...............  Keep watching, on sale in about a week

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