Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jawbone #280: Huge Guy Reminisces

CNN fallout. Sunny D and Rum. My new wife's name. Huge Guy. Enjoy the show!

(record this scene called "Huge Guy Reminisces" by either calling the GeekLine at 216.236.GEEK or recording it and sending it jawboneradio AT gmail dot com. The best reading done without laughing will get a prize pack featuring a pack of Geek A Week cards and a collection of books including a copy of "Silly Rhymes For Belligerent Children". This is what the huge guy actually said to Nora:)

"My breakup came out of left field. I went home because I live with my girlfriend. I took a shower. She took a shower. We made love. Which was awesome. Powerful. She even told me it was the most passionate lovemaking we've ever done. And now - it's all over."

Good luck!

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