Friday, November 13, 2009



1. Shea Butter, also known as karite butter, is a cream-colored fatty substance made from the nuts of karite nut trees (also called Mangifolia trees) that grow in the savannah regions of West and Central Africa.

2. Shea tress are not cultivated, they only grow in the wild.

3. The shea tree produces its first fruit (which resemble large plums) when it is about 20 years old and reaches its full production when the tree is about 45 years old. It produces nuts for up to 200 years after reaching maturity.

4. The natural fat extracted from the seed of the shea tree by crushing and boiling.

5. In most parts of West Africa, destruction of the shea tree is prohibited because this little nut provides a valuable source of food, medicine, and income for the population.

6. An acclaimed natural butter, Shea butter is widely used in high-end cosmetics and beauty products as a moisturizer and emollient.

7. Shea butter is sometimes referred to as “women’s gold” in Africa, because so many women are employed in the production of shea butter.

8. Shea butter is a particularly effective moisturizer because contains so many fatty acids, which are needed to retain skin moisture and elasticity.

9. Shea butter’s soft, butter-like texture melts readily into the skin without an oily residue.

10. Shea butter is also used in cooking and can be used as a substitute for cocoa butter.

Almost every one of my soap recipes uses Shea butter, I love it.
Let me know what your favourite Shea recipe is.

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