Monday, November 2, 2009

New website, new blog, new day... need more energy!

Today was a big and very long day. Ive been having problems with my shopping cart on my website, its supposed to link up to Royal Mails live site and calculate shipping costs of my soaps based on weight. Well it doesn't! Ive tried everything including two 40 minute calls (Free I hasten to add) to America to the tech support department at Volusion my web hosts. They are still unsure too. So I decided to do it myself and have created new custom shipping options based on weights and Royal Mail prices lifted from their website. It works!! Well at least it seems to so, I'm going to run a test tonight and then I might just get some orders!

Ive had so much positive feedback its been great, sent out a press release announcing the new site to various publications, local and National and the Western Morning News got back to me immediately. Their Features Editor emailed me to say she loved my soaps and could I send a couple of good quality photos of my White Chocolate and Strawberry Gateaux soap which, thanks to Nigels fantastic photos, I can. Shes going to add them to their Westcountry Made Christmas Gifts Guide, brilliant news. Also..... yes there is more, she wants to do a feature on my and Naturally Made Soaps! how good it that? I'm very pleased.

I have also spent the entire day working on my SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and linking to as many like minded sites and blogs as I can, Ive also joined a huge number of sites that comment on web links like stumbleupon, Digg, BuzzUp, bebo and - the idea is that you highlight a website you like ( of course!) and wait to get feedback from others who go to see it too. A good idea in theory but thinking about the number of sites there are out there Im not sure it will get me far, but hey, got to try everything. Ive also been adding links to this blog - I hope you have noticed - to some of my favorite sites and blogs. Do go and have a look at some of them if you have the time.

So now my eyes are square and out on stalks and its only 9.30pm, got to go to bed now as Im at East Devon all day tomorrow and got lots to do!! Have a great week everyone and thanks for your support.

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