Thursday, November 12, 2009

A2 Is What You Call It

My life keeps getting more surreal.

Last night, I was given a very cool opportunity: the chance to do our humble podcast in front of a live audience. In the 250 odd shows we have done this has never happened before. The event was an interview with minor television celebrity and author John Hodgman at the Ann Arbor, Borders location. Originally, the interview was to be a one-on-one conversation recorded in a green room or such place. But when John offered up doing the interview in front of the crowd, I was both stunned, nervous, sick and excited at the opportunity. And so, I was able to record a half an hour with Mr. Hodgman which will be available for download in the next week or so.

I want to thank my friend Erin who was nice enough to meet up with me, have dinner, help me lug my stuff around and actually hold my video camera for the whole half hour, despite her arms cramping and losing her voice. (It should be noted that the camera holding had nothing to do with her losing her voice, but I'm sure holding it for such a prolonged time only added to her frustration of not being able to vocally complain about it.)

I also want to thank fellow Filipino and incredible photographer Liza who was able to document the night and catch some truly incredible photos of the event. Barring having an out-of-body experience and seeing how the night evolved around me, her photos are the next best thing.

And finally, I want to thank John for the opportunity to do something as awesome as recording live in front of an audience. This type of stuff is reserved for the James Lipton's and Charlie Rose's of the world, so to have a chance to do something as cool as this was certainly very edifying for our show and for me personally.

The show is currently being edited and will be available for download soon. So please keep watching the feed. And if you are new to the show, please feel free to subscribe and listen to our back catalog. We are always open to new fans.

More coming soon...

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