Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marketing Funda : Articles on Marketing -1

Afaqs article on Sleepwell's ads nice read

How Strong is Your Business? Can You Pass the 3 to 6 Test? II good read

Why the Wrong People Get Laid Off — And How to Prevent It II I have 2 make my job confusing!

Brand Positioning For A Better Night's Sleep II

Family values help family owned business survive downturn

Understanding Product Management Role II nice one on product management

Personal Kaizen: 15 Tips for your continuous improvement II nice read on presentation skills

Shave more, get more, grow the core II Gillette asking u to shave ur body.

Eight Questions to Assess Your Sales Organization II must read for sales pros

How Do Innovators Think? II nice read

Management Consulting: Help or Hazard? II hitting hard on consulting pros

The platform vs. the eyeballs II excellent insights for marketers

Actively encouraging cannibalisation II good read

Saturn’s Marketing Lesson Is One To Remember important lesson for marketers

How to Deliver the Talk of Your Life II nice insights

A nice brand story of Zodiac

How to Pursue Your Passion: Understand the Essence of Your Passion nice read

My Best Innovation Advice? Be Promiscuous II nice read

Nike rides high even in recession

Good communication skills outrank other core business competencies

Celebrity Luna Face Makeup from L'Oreal

celebrity makeup from L'Oreal

L'Oreal Color Riche Glam Rose Lipstick

loreal prom makeup

L'Oreal color riche glam rose lipstick

Loreal Makeup for Midnight Plue Blog Hydrafreshgel

loreal makeup tips

Loreal makeup for midnight plue blog hydrafreshgel

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brand Update : Wild Stone

Wild Stone has become milder. It is interesting to see a brand evolving and trying to find the right kind of positioning. Wild Stone which started off as a very very naughty brand is now moving to a mature , approachable platform.

In the last few years Wild Stone has been experimenting with its positioning. The brand looking at the huge potential in the deo market created a stir with its "explicit" controversial ads. But those ads were infact doing lot of negative word of mouth in the media space. Although Wild Stone brand got noticed, the image got entangled in the negative mindset. The brand had the tagline of " Wild By Nature " and its ads were nothing but wild.

Later Wild Stone's marketing was taken up by Future Brands ( source) . Then a shift happened in the brand's approach. The brand became subtle but of course it couldn't let go its " sexual overtones". The brand adopted the new tagline " Barely Legal".

Now the brand is running a new campaign for its variant Wild Stone Aqua.
Watch the tvc here : Wild Stone Aqua
The new ad is a refreshing change from the earlier campaigns of Wild Stone. The ad is nicely made and the brand's positioning theme fits in nicely with the ad. What is more interesting is that Wild Stone has adopted a new tagline " It happens". The new tagline is a far better one than the " Barely Legal " . More over " It happens " gives the agency lot of room to work on. And also it gives a message that Wild Stone man doesn't have to " Try Too Hard". Hopefully the brand will retain the new tagline and explore its possibilities.

The positioning of Wild Stone is not a remarkable one. Almost all the men's deo has adopted the same positioning of " Women Chasing Men". Brands like Axe Fuel,Denver, Set Wet Zatak all have adopted the same theme. The advantage that I see in Wild Stone is that the brand has adopted an Indian theme while all the other brands are going for foreign models and settings. This can prove to be a good advantage for Wild Stone. Although the market leader Axe is going great guns with regular product launches, its ads have become little detached with the Indian market ( my opinion). Axe may face the issue of a consume disconnect if it continues to import ads.
Related Brands

Monday, September 28, 2009

Yakult : The Kiss of Good Health

Brand : Yakult
Company : Yakult Danone India Pvt Ltd
Agency : Hakudo Percept

Brand Analysis Count : 419

Recently I was intrigued by an ad featuring the bollywood actress Kajol where she endorses a drink in a small bottle. The brand name also sounded strange . The quest after that small drink brought me into an interesting brand - Yakult.

Yakult is a probiotic drink from Japan. The drink is brought to India by Yakult Honsha of Japan in collaboration with Groupe Danone of France. Yakult is a world leader in probiotic drinks and has a rich heritage dating back to 1935.

Yakult was launched in India in the late 2007. The brand was initially available only in Delhi. Now Yakult is being launched nationally in a phased manner.

Probiotic market in India is in a nascent stage. Although many players like Amul, Nestle has entered the market, the category has not yet witnessed a heightened consumer interest.

Probiotics refer to those drinks which contains live micro organisms which are healthy to human body. These micro organisms help the body in digestion and also in fighting diseases.

Yakult is fermented milk that contains healthy bacteria Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. According to the brand site, a 65 ml Yakult bottle contains 6.5 bn probiotic bacteria ( Source).

Yakult has been testing its marketing strategy for around a year and is now ready for the national roll out. The brand is currently available in Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Jaipur. The entry of Yakult is expected to increase the visibility and growth of probiotic category in India.

What is interesting about Yakult brand is its marketing strategy. The brand has adopted a two prong strategy to crack the Indian market.

Yakult has roped in Kajol as the brand ambassador. The brand is also making enough noise in the media. These advertisements are bound to increase the brand visibility and also may prompt consumer trials. The choice of the brand ambassador also gels with the target market. The brand predominately targets the health conscious ladies as the primary consumer. The brand has taken the positioning of a " health enhancer " and adopted the tagline " Daily Piyo, Healthy Jiyo". The brand has the global tagline of " The kiss of good health".

But a product like a probiotic drink may not be easily adopted by the consumer since she may have lot of doubts about the product. It is in this context that the brand adopted its strategy of direct marketing.
Yakult has a strategy of direct marketing where the consumers can order the product through home delivery. Yakult has a DM team of ladies known as Yakult ladies who visit homes, educate the homemakers about the product and also regularly supplies the product. This ensures that the product is being regularly used by the consumers and also the Yakult ladies will be able to answer the doubts of the consumers.Yakult is also available in supermarkets.

Another interesting fact is about the pricing strategy of Yakult. The 65ml bottle is priced at Rs 10 and the product is available in a pack of 5. The price sounds reasonable for those consumers who are health conscious. The main challenge for this product is to make the consumers believe that the product is delivering benefit to them. Most of the health foods have the problem of giving measurable visible results to the consumers.

Yakult primarily targets those consumers who are health conscious and is aware of the importance of functional foods like probiotics. The brand will be initially operating in a niche category and its strategy will be to expand the niche category into a mainstream one. It has adopted the right marketing strategy to educate the consumers and also encourage them to make regular use of this product.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jawbone #252:The Sweetness

Tonight on episode 252 of Jawbone Radio, we talk about my diet of gummis, lavender smells like old, hoarding and an audience participation moment that you can chime in at by calling 206.666.4514.

Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy and if you like it please subscribe!

RSS feed.

Download now.

Z3 : Relaxed Luxury

Brand : Z3
Company : Zodiac Clothing
Agency : Draft FCB Ulka

Brand Analysis Count : 418

Z3 is a brand from the house of Zodiac. Z3 is a refreshing brand amongst the plethora of brand extensions that we witness in the Indian brand scenario. Zodiac is one of the most respected premium readymade brands in India. The brand has huge equity and a loyal customer base owing to the excellent craftsmanship and unmatched quality. The brand has a very understated style of promotion and has been able to retain its premium positioning despite clutter in the market.

In the eighties, Zodiac epitomized the premium readymade category but the situation has changed now. The readymade category has changed drastically with the creation of various segments and sub-segments. The Indian menswear market is huge with a size of Rs 40,000 crore. Almost all major fashion labels are in the market right now. Zodiac is very focused in its approach to the market and has been very consistent in its approach toward brand building and promotions.

The Zodiac brand has so far resisted the temptation to go for a volume play. According to a report in Business Standard , this is a brand which is produced against firm orders. I found the fact very very unusual for an Indian brand operating in a tough business environment. The report says that 85% of what the company produces is pre-sold .This is a remarkable achievement by any standards. ( Read the report here).

The market in which Zodiac operates also has witnessed huge shift interms of consumer behavior. The new generation has a very different outlook with regard to fashion. Zodiac has a perception of a very formal brand for the old professionals. It is in this scenario, that Z3 launch becomes relevant.

Z3 is the casual readymade brand from Zodiac Clothing. The brand was launched in 2008. Usually successful brands like Zodiac will have a temptation to extend itself to casual wear. But Zodiac being a smart marketer decided to opt for a new brand rather than extending its formal wear brand to casual wears. Extending a formal wear brand like Zodiac would have easily diluted the positioning of the parent brand.

Z3 is being positioned as a premium casual wear. The brand has the tagline " Relaxed Luxury" which talks about the brand promise. According to a report in moneycontrol , the brand is being differentiated using these qualities :
Handfeel : The brand is promising a luxurious look and feel.
Fabric and

Z3 is targeting the new breed of professionals and entrepreneurs who does not have to wear formals to work. Besides this new breed, Z3 will also fill the need of die-hard Zodiac loyals who shopped elsewhere for casual wear.

Like Zodiac, Z3 is also a premium brand. The products are priced between 1599-1699 and aiming those young rich class. (unreachable for poor professors like me !!!).

What I like most about this brand is its communication. Like Zodiac, Z3 is also concentrating on print media. The brand's campaign is cool with a very smart use of space and color . The product is projected in such a way that it creates an urge to purchase. The brand campaigns remind me of the classic print ads run by Color Plus . I think that Z3 is on its way to become another Color Plus.

Related Brand
Color Plus

Print ad source : Afaqs

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brand Update : Onida

Onida has launched its new campaign after putting the devil to rest. The campaign is aimed at repositioning and rejuvenating the brand. The brand is trying for a comeback after years of uncertainty which made this (once) iconic brand lose its share in the market.

Watch the new campaign here : Onida new campaign

In my last post on Onida, I commented that Onida's real problem is not branding but marketing. The brand desperately needed break-through products and embrace new technologies. If the new ads are any indication, the brand is moving in the right direction. The brand is trying to launch products with new features, which is the right thing to do .

Regarding the brand campaign, Onida now has a new tagline- " Tum Ko Dekha to ye design aya" meaning " Designed with you in mind ". The brand replaced the iconic devil with a new-age couple as the protagonists.

Onida is now repositioning on the basis of " Customer Oriented Design". The brand is saying that its products are designed with the new-age customer in mind. The new tagline has nothing new in it and "customer-oriented" design positioning is used by many brands before. In comparison with the classic "Neighbor's envy , Owner's Pride", the new campaign falls short of expectation. ( Another viewpoint here)

In the consumer durable space, it is the product features that attract the buyers not the ads. If Onida can give technologically advanced products at reasonable price, consumers will definitely try it out. But there are issues in such a product oriented strategy. Most of the new features can be copied easily by the competitors unless otherwise protected by patents. When Onida launches a DVD player which plays micro-sd cards, other players are bound to follow. It is in this scenario that branding becomes important. Onida needs to convince the consumers that its products are better designed and technologically superior. It is about managing perception .Features can be copied by competitors easily but changing perception is a difficult task.
Onida needs to work hard on creating and nurturing new perceptions about itself in the mind of the consumers. Long way to go for this brand......

Related Brand

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brand Update : Quaker Oats

I am a big fan of the concept of brands taking up cause marketing. Although academic research has two opinions about the impact of such cause based promotions, I strongly believe that brands will benefit positively if it can align with a worthy cause.

Recently Quaker Oats launched a new campaign " Make India heart healthy". The brand is trying to promote the cause of healthy heart. The brand has taken up the mission of spreading awareness about the risk of heart diseases and educate the public about healthy living. The campaign is being launched in association with Appolo Hospitals and Times of India.

The brand also launched a portal where individuals can do an online heart check. Once the person entered the details, he will receive customized diet plans and also his risk profile.
Quaker Oats needs to be lauded for taking up such an initiative. In this fast world where health is compromised for materialistic pursuits, some one needs to take the initiative to educate the public.

For a cause based brand promotion to work, brands need to focus on certain basic requirements.
a. There has to be a worthy cause
b. The cause should be related to the broad solution that the brand offers.
c. The brand should be consistent in supporting the cause.
d.The initiative should be long term.

Quaker has taken an initiative which is worthy and also aligns with the brand's core promise. Quaker is a healthy food and hence it makes sense for the brand to take up the cause of a healthy heart.
Time will only tell whether the brand's initiative is going to be consistent and long term. Currently the brand is spending its energy on awareness building. We have to see whether the brand will further the cause to next level.

Related Brand

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Assalamu 'Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

All Praise Belongs to Allah (swt), and May the Salah and
Salam of Allah (swt) be upon our beloved Messenger
صلى الله عليه وسلم


"TaqabalAllahu Minnah wa Minkum."

May Allah accept our Ramadhan, guide us to continue striving to do the good deeds and worship all year round, and bless us to see another Ramadhan, Ameen.

Have a joyous Eid,
warm regards from the entire ISSA family
1st of Shawwal 1430


Friday, September 18, 2009

Brand Update : Calcium Sandoz

Calcium Sandoz is in an over drive now. This 40 year old brand now has a new look and also a new tagline.
The brand is currently running a campaign in television : watch it here

Calcium Sandoz now have a new packaging and the brand has redesigned its mascot- the puppy. According to the company, the redesign is aimed at connecting with the young consumers. The kids used to love the classic white puppy bottle and used to collect them also. But as time passed, the brand and the puppy became disconnected with the young generation. ( Source). The total market for calcium products is estimated to be around Rs 328 crores.(source)

Rightly so, the brand feels that the mascot puppy is the best way to establish a reconnect with the new generation of kids. The new puppy now is colored and also is smiling.

The brand is currently trying to woo the users. Typically the kids resist taking food unless it is junk food or confectioneries. Mothers love to give kids healthy food and supplements .But making the kids eat such products is a Herculean task. Calcium Sandoz is trying to make kids love the brand by launching the product in various flavors . With the new packing and the campaign, the brand expects the kids (users) to ask for the product.

Calcium Sandoz has adopted the tagline " Agdam, Pagdam,Tagdam " whose meaning only kids will understand. The ad campaign centers around the usual theme of kids being overwhelmed by their daily routines and how the brand helps in making their lives easier and happier. The brand wisely uses the mascot puppy to convey the message .
The challenge for the brand is to keep the excitement going . Kids gets bored easily with these types of products and keeping them engaged is no easy task.

Related Brand

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

IFB : Set Yourself Free

Brand : IFB
Company : IFB Industries
Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi

Brand Analysis Count : 417

IFB is a major brand in the premium home appliances market. The brand is famous for its washing machine range especially the front loading type. I would say that IFB was a pioneer in popularising the front- loading washing machines into the Indian market.
In the Rs 20,000 crore Indian consumer durable market, the washing machines contribute for Rs 2300 crore.(source). At one point of time IFB was the second largest player in the Fully Automatic category.

IFB is a Kolkata based company which had its origin in 1974. The company was earlier known as Indian Fine Blanks. The company was specialised in manufacturing Fine Blanks and supplied to many industrial multi-nationals. The company later ventured into consumer durables under a joint venture with the German major Bosch in 1990.

The technology collaboration with Bosch gave IFB a headstart. The company was able to give consumers products with exceptional quality. IFB soon became the leader in the premium washing machines in the country. But in 1997, Bosch severed its ties with IFB.

Despite the termination of the JV, IFB was able to hold on its own. The brand was able to maintain its image in the Indian market. It had a share of 23% in the washing machine market in 2002.

How ever, IFB was caught in a serious financial trouble during 2005 where it was referred to BIFR. Later the firm came out of the financial trouble with a debt restructuring exercise.

IFB still holds the premiumness in the mind of the consumers despite maintaining a low key . The brand's share of voice is abysmally low . But fortunately the brand maintains a strong aspirational pull in the mind of the consumers.

IFB is a brand which is priced exorbitantly high. Its washing machines are priced more than 50% compared to the competitors. But the question is whether IFB can maintain the premiumness without adequately spending on brand promotion. Almost all the major global brands are competing for space in the Indian market. Technological differentiation is virtually impossible now since all brands are bringing their latest products to India.

In such a scenario, IFB needs to reinforce its brand equity. The brand is perceived to be a technologically superior but that perception can fade if the brand become complacent .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Since the 1930s, many well-known Hollywood actresses have marketed the soap to women as a beauty enhancer. Advertisements have featured Dorothy Lamour[2], Joan Crawford[3], Laurette Luez, Judy Garland, Cheryl Ladd, Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Taylor, Demi Moore, Sarah Jessica Parker, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Rachel Weisz, Anne Hathaway, and Marilyn Monroe, among others. The first male to star in a Lux advertisement was Hollywood actor Paul Newman.[citation needed]

[edit] Bollywood
Today, the brand is still heavily advertised in India using Bollywood stars.[2] Madhubala, Mala Sinha, Hema Malini, Sridevi, Madhuri Dixit, Juhi Chawla, Karisma Kapoor, Rani Mukerji, Aishwarya Rai, Amisha Patel, Kareena Kapoor and Tabu have all been past brand ambassadors.[citation needed] Priyanka Chopra is the present brand ambassador of Lux. In India Shahrukh Khan was the first male in a Lux advertisement[4].

[edit] Pakistan
Lux has been widely advertised in Pakistan ever since the brand was introduced. Pakistani models including Reema Khan, Meera, Aaminah Haq, Babra sharif and various other leading models and actresses have been "Lux models" from time to time. Lux remains the leading soap brand in Pakistan, representing the stylish class of Pakistan. Things started with a TV show called Lux Style Ki Duniya, now with the country's leading models and actors taking part in the annual Lux Style Awards every year. Ali Zafar the famous Pakistani Singer has become the first male model for Lux.

[edit] Other countries
Lux soap is very popular in Nepal and the brand appointed Nepali model-turned-actress Jharana Bajracharya to be the Lux Girl in the Summer of 2003. After that, she appeared on many TV commercials. Nigerian actress Genevieve Nnaji appeared as the face of Lux soap in 2004. Two decades earlier, singer Patti Boulaye had been Nigeria's face of Lux. In Norway during the 1950s and 1960s, Lux advertisements featured fictional Italian actresses. Lux soap is also a category leader in Pakistan, the brand being synonymous with glamour. While initially it was also marketed as the beauty soap of the film stars, recently it is focusing more on bringing out the star in ordinary people. Current brand ambassador is Iman Ali.


Lux soap was first launched in the UK in 1899 as a flaked version of Sunlight soap. Subsequently it was launched in the US in 1916, and marketed as a laundry soap targeted specifically at 'delicates'. Lever Brothers encouraged women to home launder their clothes without fear of satins and silks being turned yellow by harsh lyes that were often used in soaps at the time. The flake-type soap allowed the manufacturer some leeway from lye because it did not need to be shaped into traditional cake-shaped loaves as other soaps were. The result was a gentler soap that dissolved more readily and was advertised as suitable for home laundry use.[1] Lux is currently a product of Unilever. The name "Lux" was chosen as the Latin word for "light" and because it was suggestive of "luxury."[1]
Lux toilet soap was introduced as a bathroom soap in the US in 1925, and in the UK in 1928 as a brand extension of Lux soap flakes. Subsequently Lux soap has been marketed in several forms, including handwash, shower gel and cream bath soap.
Lux soap was launched in India in 1929. The very first advertisement in 1929 featured Leela Chitnis as its brand ambassador. It was branded in India as "the beauty soap of film stars'.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Book Review : Customer Mania

Book Title : Customer Mania
Authors : Ken Blanchard,Jim Ballard & Fred Finch

Publishers : Harper Collins
Price : Rs 195

Book Review #9

Customer Mania is a small but a highly insightful book. I am a big fan of Ken Blanchard and his inspirational One Minute Manager Series. And this time too, he does not fail to inspire.
The book is the authors' account of Yum Restaurant's customer service strategies. Using the story of Yum! Ken Blanchard tries to hammer in some of the critical customer service principles.
I feel little wary about books focusing on a particular company because we cannot predict what will happen to this company in future. There are best selling books that glorified Enron when everything was hunky dory. So I was little skeptical when I started reading this book.
Gladly the message of the book transcended the example. Ken's insights were powerful enough that makes the ' one company ' focus irrelevant.

Customer Mania gives the readers four key principles that will help to build a customer-focused company. The authors firs illustrate the principle and then uses Yum! to give a practical insight. The four principle that this book put forth is as follows

Step one : Set your sights on the right target.
The principle asks the managers to identify the right set of consumers and then focus on the right way to pamper him

Step Two : Treat your customers the right way .
Here the authors stresses on strategies to create Raving Fans rather than ordinary consumers

Step Three : Treat your people the right way .
In a service business, employees are the key to providing world class customer service. The authors give some very important insights into recruiting and retaining the right kind of people.

Step Four : Have the right kind of leadership
I always believed that customer service initiatives will fail without the right kind of leadership. Infact customer service starts from the top.

Customer Mania is a very simple book but yet packed with powerful messages.
A must read for any marketer

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brand Update : Knorr Soups

Finally Knorr brand decided to do what it does best - Selling Soups.After messing up with extensions and brand name confusions, Knorr has decided to concentrate on soups. The brand is currently running its latest campaign featuring the brand ambassador Kajol.

Watch the Tvc here : Knorr Soups

The ad is interesting because it aims change the way Indian consumers look at Soups. Soup is not a popular part of Indian consumer's cuisine. According to Financial Express, Indian prepared soup market is worth Rs 120 crore and Knorr have a market share of over 70%. But given the size of Indian consumer space, the brand feels that the pie should be bigger.

The new campaign aims to do just that. HUL is a master in building and owning categories. The current campaign is aiming to build the soup category. To build the category, the brand has to bring in new consumers regularly buy and use soups.

Knorr is now being repositioned as a 7'o'Clock snack. Don't confuse the usage of the term Snack. Knorr is not going to compete with Lays or Bingo but aims to give the consumers a valid reason for buying this product by calling it a snack.

As a consumer, I never thought of regularly buying soups at my home. We used to indulge in soups at the hotel but seldom at home. Only some times I bought soups but not regularly because there was no perceived reasons for buying it regularly.

Knorr is giving consumers like me a reason for regularly buying it. It is common for little ones to become hungry at around 7-8 pm. This is a problem that most mothers face. You give something to kids and they will not take dinner .
Knorr is now offering a solution to this common problem.Give soups to the kids as a seven o clock snack. The brand tells mothers that giving soup to kids is a healthy option compared to any other snacks. Such a repositioning will help many non users to try out the product category. Kajol adds more punch to the entire exercise.

The brand now has a tagline " Tummy bhi Khush, Mummy bhi khush " meaning " Tummy is happy and Mummy is also happy ". The only issue whether the kids gets bored with soups.

The current campaign is a marketing lesson. Being a market leader does not make good brands complacent. Smarter brands build categories and end up owning it.

Related Brand

Friday, September 11, 2009

Consumer Insight : Customer Loyalty

This post is inspired by the article by Mr Prasad Sangemeshwaran in Brand Equity ( 09/09/09) titled "Goodbye Mr Loyalty". (Read it Here). I feel that the basic premise of the article is wrong.

The article starts with a very bold statement - " The Customer is Infidel" ( which is a nice attention grabbing technique). The author then went on to argue that the concept of customer loyalty is now a thing of past.

I feel that the author made an assumption that all marketers believe in customer loyalty. Customer Loyalty is a concept- an ideal state where the consumers keep coming back for your offering. Marketers know fully well that consumers will keep coming back for the offerings only if it satisfies the need continuously. Marketers are also aware that consumers are looking for new ways of fulfilling their desires.

The moment you think that consumers are permanently loyal to your brand, you are in a state of marketing myopia. Marketing myopia is a condition where marketers become too narrowly focused on the product rather than the consumer & his need. Why Nokia is highly successful in India is its constant endeavour to bring in new products in tune with the changing consumer needs. Even in the case of Nokia, it missed out the " touchscreen" mania and even the " smartphone" trend. Marketers today are more aware about the impact of disruptive innovations which can create havoc in the market. Successful brands today are focusing not only in meeting consumer needs but also in shaping those needs.

It is also wrong to say that in the past consumers were more loyal to brands. The choice before consumers in yesteryear's were very less forcing them to stick to certain brands. That is not an indication of loyal behavior.

Having said that, there are brands which are able to create not only brand loyals but also raving fans. Brands like Harley, Apple,Google,McDonalds, Disney etc are considered iconic because of its ability to create communities and fans. But even these brands needs to keep running very hard to keep those consumers from switching.

If Customer is the King, how can you expect him to be loyal ?

My New Art Site: FlipFace!

Gah! More mindless self-promotion! If you haven't been following me on Twitter or on Facebook, then you probably would have no idea that I just launched a new art site called FlipFace. Here's the deal: custom avatars by me for $10. This isn't create your own avatar, or send your picture in and get the photo turned into a vector file. This is a real cartoon done by me for you. So far, thanks to the help of some online friends, the response has been very favorable for FlipFace. And I'm very happy with the reactions. So get with all the cool kids and order your own Flipface today!

In other art news, Monster By Mail's Summer of the Super-villain is slowly coming to a close. Thanks to all those who ordered one from me. It was certainly a lot of fun and I just might do it again. Monster by Mail will be going through an overhaul in the coming weeks and there will be a special promotion I'm working on that should be a lot of fun! So stay tuned for it.

Thanks for all your support of my art sites. My family and I truly appreciate all you've done. :)

THE PROPER POST: There's A Zombie In My Treehouse

I was checking back on the archives of this blog and was shocked to see that I never wrote up a proper post for "There's A Zombie In My Treehouse" the book I did with Ken Plume of QuickStop Entertainment and John "Widge" Robinson of Needcoffee. I blame the fact that the book was released in the midst of our move/house sale/vacation/housewarming party/school phase of the year. So blogging had to take a back seat. I know I had twittered about the book, so in my mind, I had blogged about it - micro-blogged at least. But sometimes things need more than 140 characters of chat. This is one of them.

The book is a labour of love that started in the summer of 08. I received a call from Ken, who received my name via Paul of Paul and Storm. He and John were looking for an illustrator on their book project and had had little success engaging an artist. Me, being the no one artist I am, heard the words "zombie, kids book" and "illustrate" and I jumped right on the chance. I didn't know exactly what I was signing up for, but I knew it sounded cool enough to give it a shot.

Make no mistake, it was tough work. Hours of illustration, character sketches, conversations, revisions, layout changes, more layout changes and even more revisions and layout changes. But in the end, I feel the book is exactly the way I envisioned it would be. Wonderful black and white pencil art with a hint of odd and creepy permeating the story, penned wonderfully by Ken and John. As the Brits (and Ken) would say, bloody brilliant.

On podcast episode 251, I chat about meeting former Python and film director, Terry Gilliam. The biggest compliment I have ever received was about the art in the book. Terry Gilliam, a man I respect for his artistic vision and a person who has been so influential in the kind of art that I do, said he loved the art. He loved it. If that's not a testimonial you can abide by, then this book is not for you. If it is, then I highly recommend you check out the book for yourself and add it to your collection. And I'm not saying this only because I drew the pictures for it. I'm saying it because the book is full of the kind of awesomeness that I hope to continue offering throughout the rest of my career and life.

In the coming weeks, I will have actual physical copies of the book for sale that you can purchase from me personally. I will even sign it, if you are into that sort of thing. You can also pick up the book online here. And if you come to Cleveland or if you and I are one day at the same place at the same time, I can sign it then. Or pose for a picture with you and the book. Whatever tickles your fancy.

Needless to say, I highly recommend the book. And if you don't pick it up, then you're not a real fan of our show then, are you?

How's that for guilt-tripping?

Signed copies of the book (by both authors Ken Plume and John Robinson and myself) are now available to be purchased directly from me. Just click below! Shipping and handling is included in the price.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jawbone #251: Dragon Around

A very self-indulgent episode as mentioned at the top of the show. My surreal experience at Dragon Con. Now it can be told. Excitement! Dinners! And my surreal meeting Terry Gilliam. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy the show, please subscribe!

RSS feed.

Download now.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


What if . . . . .

Laylatul-Qadr is tonight?

It's been my experience, I don't know if you've noticed it as well, that when the last ten nights starts, many people are slow to realize it. Masjid Taraweeh attendance doesn't normally pick up until the 24th of Ramadan.

Why Do We WAIT?

A reminder for myself and you: WHAT IF!!!

Laylatul Qadr is tonight? Will we be ready?

I want to take advantage of every night of the last ten nights!

It's too precious - the reward of 1000 months is too great!

Make lots and lots of DU'AS everyone!

With best wishes and may we succeed at the highest level InshaAllah ameen.

5 Easy Ways to I'TIKAAF

Here's a quick I'tikaaf overview

I'tikaaf is to seclude oneself in the Masjid for the purpose of worshipping Allah.

Rasulullah Sallallahu'alayhi waSsallam, did it in Ramadan for the last 10 nights. This was the general practice of the Holy Prophet.

It means to seclude oneself in the Masjid for the last ten days of Ramadhaan. And as for a woman, she may observe I'tikaf at the masjid or in her place of seclusion at home.

Here are 5 quick tips:

1. The meaning of 'I'tikaaf' is to seclude oneself at the place of Worship, with the express intention (Niyyah) of 'I'tikaaf'.

2. Leaving the Masjid (without valid reasons) breaks one's I'tikaaf.

3. I'tikaaf is meant for worship.Do not talk or entertain yourself. One must speak only what is virtue or what is necessary. We can make Nafl Salat, Tilawatul Qur'an, Zikr, Istighfar and permanent Zikr in general throughout the duration of I'itikaf.

(No little monkeys, remember from your Ramadhan Journal?)

4. You can do I'tikaaf for any period of time, any time of the day.

5. In a year, when else will you dedicate time for Allah like this?

Come on, lets try to make I'itikaaf!

Bonus: If you can't do it everyday, try weekends or at least some days.

With best wishes and may we succeed at the highest level InshaAllah ameen!

The Last 10 Days for LAYLATUL QADR!

Brand Update : Pears

It has been a long time since I wrote anything about Pears. The fact was that there was no big development about the brand for the past two years. The brand is regularly and consistently promoted across various media.

The brand extended itself to kid's category with the launch of Pears Junior and also into personal care segment with products like face wash. Pears also launched variants like Mint, Aloe Vera,Oil control etc during this period. Although the brand launched these variants, the core positioning of the brand remained the same for the original soap.

Recently I saw the new commercial of Pears
Watch it here : Pears

The brand is very consistent about the positioning strategy. Pears is built on the wonderful relationship between the Mother and
Child. All Pears ads captured this emotion quite perfectly. The brand focused on its " Transparency " and is positioned as a " Pure and Gentle " Soap.
This time too, the brand follows the same theme. The significant addition is that now Pears has a tagline - Masoom.
Masoom translates to Innocence . So Pears now celebrates a new brand value - Innocence.

The new campaign is nice but as a Southie I did not quite understood the dialogue. But the cute child and the theme always work the magic.
I am assuming that Pears brand is serious about the Masoom Tagline. Masoom concept works very well for Pears. The concept of innocence fits with the " transparency " and Pure & Gentle positioning.

Pears was one of those brands which did not have a tagline. With out the help of the tagline , the brand was able to communicate its core positioning. The core brand values of Pears was communicated through visual cues .
The tagline of Masoom seems to gel with the brand. Whether and how the brand is going to use this tagline in future is something to watch for.

Related Post

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We never know when death chooses to approach us.
Today? Tomorrow? The day after? Only He knows.

"I want to pray, I want to fast and I want to be a better Muslim; but I don't know when."
A common statement made by many Muslims I know.
They have the niyyah to practise but is that enough?

They wish to be guided but do they make the effort to ask for guidance?

"but I don't know when."
Why not now? Do you need a time to make tawbah? Do you need Allah to personally tell you; "My servant, it's time you pray"?

What has He not blessed you with?
Body, Soul, Mind & Heart - it's all in.

He's blessed you with a body - awaken it.
He's blessed you with a soul -
liven it.
He's blessed you with a mind -
purify it.
He's blessed you with a heart -
cleanse it.

Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? (Surah Ar-Rahman [Chap 55] )

O Allah Please protect and bless the sick and the weak in their struggle to please you, and O Allah please guide our children that they may grow up to be strong believers

"O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation."

May we use our spare time to make the MOST of Laylatul Qadr Inshaallah kheir.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Marketing Funda : Line Filling

Marketing Practice Reader Balaji asks a very pertinent question about the series of brand launches by Maruti Suzuki in the hatchback segment. He asks :

I want to know about New product development in automobile industry especially in Maruti.They are launching different small cars.Is it really makes a profit for them.Can you give the explantion with example.Introducing new car in the small car segment(Maruti) makes confusion among the customers that which car to buy /which is best?.Is really they are benefiting or just in order to compete with other company they are introducing the new product ? "

Maruti Suzuki is following the product line strategy of Line Filling. Line Filling is a strategy where the company introduces new products within the same( existing) price range.

Maruti Suzuki recently launched a series of brands in the hatchback segment. A look at the price ranges of hatchback brands of Maruti will give you a clear picture of Line Filling.

Maruti 800 - Rs 2,00,000 - Rs 2,12000
Maruti Alto - Rs 2,22,000 - Rs 2,70,000
Maruti Estilo - Rs 3,17,000 - Rs 3,98,000
Maruti Wagon R - Rs 3,18,000 - Rs 4,32,000
Maruti A Star - Rs 3,40,000 - Rs 4,12,000
Maruti Ritz - Rs 3,89,000 - Rs 5,10,000
Maruti Swift - Rs 4,06,000 - Rs 5,20,000

( All prices are Ex-Showroom Cochin)
Source :
The overlap is diagrammatically represented below.

From the price ranges, it is evident that there is a significant overlap among various brands.The question is why Maruti chose to bring out products with similar price ranges. Another question is whether this overlap will create cannibalization among these brands.

There are several reasons for such a line filling strategy. According to Prof. Philip Kotler, firms adopt this strategy for
a. Incremental Profits
b.Satisfy Dealers who complain about lost sales because of missing items in the line
c.Utilize existing capacity
d.Try to become a full-line company
e.Try to plug holes to keep the competitors away. ( Source Marketing Management ,11 edition)

In the case of Maruti, more than one reasons prompt it to fill the line. Maruti Suzuki has tremendous brand equity in the Indian market. Hence having a full line catering to all segments of consumers offers tremendous advantage to the company.
There are customers (like me) who would like to buy a car from Maruti. Having various offerings at various price points keeps that customers happy and make them stick to the company. If I want to upgrade to a bigger car, I have a choice or a A star or a Wagon R or a Ritz or a Swift. In such a scenario, I may not go in to a competitor's product.

Another reason for Maruti's line filling is to keep out the competitors. The company is facing lot of competition in the hatchback segment. At the lower end Nano may give Alto and 800 a run for its money. Santro, i10 and Spark is giving tough competition for mid-range hatchbacks and products like Fabia, Palio,Punto,i20 are giving competition at the higher segment of the hatchback market. Hence to keep the market share intact , Maruti is keeping a full line of brands covering various price points.

When there are brands which has similar price points, it is natural that some sort of cannibalization will happen. When Ritz was launched, it definitely took away some customers of Swift. But Maruti can be happy that the customer has bought its product rather than that of its competitor.
Regarding the profits, Maruti is one of the lowest cost producer in the automobile industry. This low cost base enable the firm to make a profit irrespective of cannibalization.
One of the critical factor that a firm should consider while line filling is the Differentiation. There has to be a just-noticable difference between the offerings other wise consumers will get confused . In the case of Maruti brands, there is a clear differentiation either interms of design or performance between these brands.

Line Filling is the strategy adopted by Maruti Suzuki to retain its grip in the Indian market. But in the Indian Automobile industry , may be only Maruti can do it.