Friday, September 11, 2009

My New Art Site: FlipFace!

Gah! More mindless self-promotion! If you haven't been following me on Twitter or on Facebook, then you probably would have no idea that I just launched a new art site called FlipFace. Here's the deal: custom avatars by me for $10. This isn't create your own avatar, or send your picture in and get the photo turned into a vector file. This is a real cartoon done by me for you. So far, thanks to the help of some online friends, the response has been very favorable for FlipFace. And I'm very happy with the reactions. So get with all the cool kids and order your own Flipface today!

In other art news, Monster By Mail's Summer of the Super-villain is slowly coming to a close. Thanks to all those who ordered one from me. It was certainly a lot of fun and I just might do it again. Monster by Mail will be going through an overhaul in the coming weeks and there will be a special promotion I'm working on that should be a lot of fun! So stay tuned for it.

Thanks for all your support of my art sites. My family and I truly appreciate all you've done. :)

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