Sunday, August 8, 2010

PHEW- What a week, finally over

Yes it has really been crazy this week.......................

Honiton Agricultural Show on Thursday - my first really big show, in the craft tent with my two wonderful helpers Nigel (From the Bridge Inn and my fantastic photographer) and Dot my friend from Poland,  both were so great, I could not have done it without them.  After 12 hours Dot and I dismantled the stall and hotfooted it to Taunton to set up in the New Riverside Craft Tents for the best and biggest flower show in the South West.  We had to get out of Honiton show and up to Taunton, then set up before 9pm when they closed the show site......

We did it!  then back home to sleep.  Taunton on Friday was great, I had my new soap slave working with me - my lovely, ever supportive boyfriend Rik
       My Lovely Soap Slave!                                     

 The stall looked great except for the backgound tent - I didn't know it would be an ugly marquee, but when it rained the second day I was very pleased to have it!!

The cupcakes, soapcake and new range of Kiss Me and Jasmine sold really well but the best was 'Dirty Dog' it really flew off the stall.  I met so many lovely people and had a really brilliant two days at this show - this is just one comment I came home to via email:-

Happy to have met you and your lovely assistant today at the Taunton Flower Show.
Your website looks great! I have bookmarked it for future purchases.
In the meantime, we had a laugh giving a 'piece a cake' as a present!
Wishing you all the best,
Ron (chap in the wheelchair) and Maggie (his carer)
How lovely is that?  It makes it all worthwhile for me.
Today I was at Sandy Bay just outside Exmouth.  Its a huge caravan park but they are very happy for local Farmers Market traders to come along every Sunday and I do really well there.  Everyone is so happy, they are on holiday and really pleased to be in such a beautiful part of the world.  I had my good friend Lindsay helping on the stall and there were lots of my Farmers Market colleagues there too, we had a really great and fun day - its such a nice place, I have to thank Brian and the management at the park for organising it.  I really have to add a special word for the entertainments team at the park who spent quite a while mixing up a horrid concoction (they called it gunk) full of soup, custard, mushy peas and lots of other stuff, then they gunked the guy from their team who had made the least money for their children's charity and the half marathon they are running.  they are such an enthusiastic lot, make Butlins Red Coats look like amateurs!!

Then - maybe best of all - Rik came back from flying (to a Belgium fly in) and we went to the Bridge Inn - probably the best pub in the world, my beer for the Bridge Inn Beer Bar comes from here, along with my Honiton Show helper and photographer Nigel, I already knew that they had tapped one of our favourite beers - Firebox, then the evening just got better - the light was beautiful and I took a couple of pics to show you all why we love this place so much


Now that's why I live in Devon!!


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