Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another new soap on the drying rack!

Palm Free again, its the way to go!

This one is a replacement for my White Chocolate & Strawberry Gateaux, inspired by Twiggy from FuturePrimative and thank you to Twiggy for allowing me to use her ideas especially the one about making dark, thin lines around your layers and embeds.  I'm happy with the initial results and it smells fab.  Same scents as before (Chocolate Truffle from Gracefruit and Strawberry from The Soap Kitchen), the balls are rebatched and scented with Strawberry, the bottom layer is chocolate, middle layer plain white and top layer dollops of all 3 swirled together.
Its curing well and is already nice and hard, again a bit sticky out of the mold but my palm free experiments are getting better.  I hope you like it.

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