Sunday, May 10, 2009

An Update Of Sorts

Well, if you hadn't noticed, Nora and I haven't been around much at all. Not to worry, we aren't pod-fading. But real-life has gotten in the way of our podcasting schedule in a big way. I want to save a lot of the talk for our actual podcast, but here's what has happened in a nutshell. On the last podcast, we talked about getting our house ready to sell. Well, we sold our house. In six days. It was something that Nora and I didn't expect to happen so quickly. Needless to say, it put a tremendous amount of pressure on us to find a new home. We didn't think it would be possible, but we found a place - a REALLY nice place - in two days. And we put a bid on that house. And we got it. Remind you, this has all happened in the span of about one week. We are now waiting for word on the loan, so we are are in this weird limbo where we're excited about the possibility of getting a new home and not actually being able to say anything about it, because there's a chance that the deal might go south. We haven't told any of the kids about the new place, so if you see them, please don't mention anything to them about it. Thanks for understanding.

In any event, with any luck, there will be a happy ending to this whole story and we'll be able to share with you the rest of the details about the new Nobby Annex. In the meantime, thanks for sticking with us. Hopefully we'll be able to talk about this whole deal very soon.

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