Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brand Update : Maggi

My favorite brand Maggi is now 25 years old. Born in 1983 , this brand has created a market for itself. Maggi is a brand which showed the power of marketing. This brand made noodles a household product. When many foreign food brands are trying to change Indian consumer's taste, Maggi bought in a silent revolution.

To mark its silver jubilee, Maggi is running a campaign " Me & Meri Maggi". The new campaign is designed to be interactive with the brand inviting from its consumers interesting stories about them and Maggi. For this, the brand have initiated a new website meandmeri.in. Consumers can write in their stories and lucky ones' photos will feature in Maggi Packs.

Maggi became successful because it understood consumers . The brand never wanted to change Indian consumer's habit. It did not had ambitions about changing Indian's breakfast or dinner preferences. What Maggi did was to slowly attach itself to Indian consumer's need without disruption.

Maggi was also closely watching consumer preferences.When consumers wanted healthy food, Maggi launched Atta Noodle variants that was healthy . More importantly this move addressed the concerns of Homemakers. The brand extended itself to multiple segment but without diluting the core brand equity.

Maggi over these years have made lot of mistakes. It made mistakes because the brand was willing to experiment. More importantly the brand learned from those mistakes and corrected itself.
Maggi also invested heavily in brand building. The campaigns for one of Maggi's products were always there in the media which kept the brand fresh in the mind of the consumers. Maggi personifies the basic principles of understanding consumers, innovating and investing in the brand.

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