Sunday, June 29, 2008

Laughing Without Smiling: A Challenge

When I was younger, in the caveman days when I was in High School, my friends and I used to sit around watching Superchicken reruns, eating many meatball hoagies and drinking scads of Hi-C Ecto-Cooler. During the downtimes, we would challenge each other to try to laugh without smiling. Strangely enough, the idea came from listening to, of all things, the U2 song "Running To Stand Still". The original lyric was:
"You gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice."
I changed the first lyric and the rest was history.

Today, during one of the many rainstorms that have passed over the area, a few of my family members were sitting around chatting and I brought up the challenge again. Before you knew it, we were in tears laughing, totally dismantling the premise of the challenge. At some point I thought it might be a good idea to open up the challenge to other people. And thus, a vidcast was born.

So here is the challenge. Can you laugh without smiling? If you can, we'd love to see your video attempts. You can upload them to YouTube and then link them here...or better yet: I've started a Facebook group for this little challenge. Feel free to join and add your video attempts over there. Should be fun and at the very least, be a great time waster. Have fun!

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