Sunday, February 24, 2008

Assassin's Creed: Worst Game Ever

Well, I just finished the game Assassin's Creed tonight and all I have to say is what a letdown. This was a game that had a lot of hype leading up to its release and was one of the games that a lot of people were looking forward to playing. Well, I played it and all I have to say is don't bother. While the game looks fantastic and Jerusalem and Damascus look brilliant, there's not much more to say about this game. The story is lacking, it's all button-mashing and overall the story is ho-hum. In fact, I think rather than waste more space on the internets with my displeasure, I'll let this article on Wired say it all for me. I agree with pretty much everything the article says. Oh well, another 600 points on my gamerscore. Yawn...

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