Sunday, February 10, 2008

The 100 Artists Project Auction

You may remember a few months ago, I talked about a project started up by my friend and fellow 700 hobo-er, Ben "Xadrian" Rollman, called the 100 Artists Project. 100 artists from all different walks of life contribute art for a good cause, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the Hero Intiative. I am one of the contributing artists to the group, and an auction of some of the artists original work has just gone up on Ebay. The bound volume includes original art from myself, my buddy Adam "Ape Lad" Koford, Mike "Halcyonsnow" Peterson, Nate Lovett and Jeremy Dale. Check out the auction, bid on it, tell a few friends and help out a good cause. Incidentally, there's a poll at the official blog asking which interview/interviews should be included in the print version of volume one. If you haven't read mine yet, you can check it out here. Also, feel free to vote in the affirmative for me, natch.

Here's a link to my art and to the whole set.

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