Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In Search Of...

Hello. First off, let me apologize for the lack of podcasts. It's a lame excuse to give, I know, but "I've been busy." Once you read this post, maybe it will shed some light on why I had to take some time off from Jawbone Radio.

If you have following me on Twitter, you may know that I am currently in the market for a Business Manager/Brand Strategist. I've been searching for a person like this for over a year now. Someone to help rudder the Len Peralta brand. I've had spots of luck here and there, but for the most part, I've been doing everything on my own.

I had been reluctant to post anything formal because I was unsure about the type of responses I'd get from taking such a scatter-shot approach on a major social media platform. Also, to be honest, I wasn't completely sure what I was looking for. I've talked to other brand strategists and managers for some friends in new media and they have all given me valuable advice. (I would hire any of them given the chance) However, none of them really do exactly what I'm looking for. Not to sound self-important, but I feel in some ways that I am creating a new category here. This person would not be an artists rep. This person wouldn't be an agent. In a perfect world, this person would help me build and extend my illustration business and help me navigate through projects. I'm sure this person exists, but I can't for the life of me seem to find them.

What follows is a document I've been working on that was helping me clarify what I've been searching for. I admit when I was writing it, I felt like I was trying to write a personal ad. I have to admit, this is sort of tough for me to share. In some ways, taking a step back and admitting I need some assistance with my personal brand goes against what I feel I should do. But I think it may be time for me to take this step forward, if I have any chance of moving past where I am right now.

Take a look and if it sounds like something you can do, or you know someone who fits this bill, please pass it along. I'm willing to talk to all sorts of people, providing they are serious about helping me out.

Ok, Here goes nothing...



I am currently looking for someone to assist me in building my personal brand.

Over the past 10 years, I have worked tirelessly to help forge a strong brand identity for myself. I have had the great fortune of being able to work on some high-profile projects and the opportunity to work alongside well-known IPs and growing franchises. I am at a point now, however, where I feel I have done most of what I can do on my own. I am looking for someone who will work in tandem with me to help bring my brand to the next level.

To that point, I am not looking for someone who can just answer e-mails for me and free up some spare time (although I’m sure to start, there may be some of that, but this is not a secretarial position). I need someone I can throw the ball to, and they can throw it right back to me and challenge my expectations. I am looking for someone who can represent me in a positive light to potential clients. Someone who can run interference when negotiating and help set an equitable rate standard for my services. Someone who can be proactive in identifying, pitching and securing upcoming projects. And finally, someone I can trust completely to help rudder my brand amidst growing competition and uncertain financial times.

I am looking for someone who can assess the sub-brands under my main brand and build and maximize their earning potential.

The ideal candidate must:

Be fearless and be willing to work outside their comfort zone.

Be flexible.

Possess proven skills in marketing and branding.

Be able to think quickly on their feet.

Possess impeccable communication skills.

Have a broadband connection with current communication tools and ability to conference.

Current contacts in the entertainment, publishing or animation industry are a plus, but not mandatory.

I am looking for someone to keep in step with me throughout the entire process. I promise you, this will be fun. I won't settle for less. Does this sound like you? Write me at monsterbymail at gmail dot com. Please use the phrase “Business Manager Inquiry” in the subject line. Please provide a phone number for contact.


Phew! *fingers crossed* Let's see what happens.

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