Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Im off to sunny Portugal!!

Well I hope it is sunny after the rubbish August we have had here.  Im off to spend two weeks with my mate and fellow soap maker Shelley Barnes  I can't wait.  We have such a new and exciting project on the boil at the moment, we are designing and making a new range of soaps together especially for the Portuguese market which will include lots of lovely local ingredients such as beeswax (see Shelley s latest blog post by clicking on the link above), Olive oil etc.  We are also making a lot of our fun soaps and an exciting new range of Christmas soaps for the markets over there as well as our first exhibition coming up in November.  So as you can imagine, designing new logos, new labels, new packaging, new soaps, etc. etc. we have been megga busy and for the next two weeks we will be madly making soap as well as trying to source local goats milk, more ingredients and sipping the odd glass of wine too!

I'm going to be there for 2 weeks but don't worry if you want to make an order, my lovely daughter Aimee is at the helm and will be packing, labeling and posting to keep up.  A little reminder for everyone - the Summer Sale is now over, thanks to all of you who took advantage of the massive 50% discount I now have room on my curing shelves for lots of lovely new goodies coming up very soon. I have been making some lovely new wild berry cupcakes and I have some great new ideas for a fig and caramel sugar soap as well as a secret soap for Christmas!

Xmas Berry Cupcake - I wish you could smell this!

GREAT NEWS!! I have managed to negotiate a really good rate for my new course venue, even better than I previously thought.  I am passing this on to all course participants (those who have already paid will receive a £20 discount in the post) - Course cost now only £75 for a whole day of tuition, equipment, 1k soap, refreshments, lunch, hand outs and recipes!!  Go to www.naturallymadesoaps.co.uk to book by filling in my new online form.

I just wanted to tell you about the booking form, it was so easy to create using Google Docs, I have never used this facility before and I don't know why really, its great.  It produces really good forms as well as the back up and monitoring forms needed to check orders/bookings etc.  If you have never had a go I recommend it.  It took me a little while to get my head around it, but once sorted it really is an easy way to make your online documents look very professional.

One last thing......  While I am away I would really like to gather some thought from you all to help me get some new soaps sorted when I return.  What do you think about Naturally Made Soaps producing an all new "All-in-one Shampoo and Body bar"?
Have you ever used one before?
If so, did you like it?
Did it work?

I have created a readers poll on this blog, if you have time I would really appreciate your input, I shall collate all the answers when I get back and let you know the results.  You could always leave a comment below as well.  I will still be accessing my blog, facebook page, emails and website every day so don't worry, I shall be keeping up with you all!!

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