Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yes, yes, yes it is finally done - Phew.... what a job, trying to do the photography (around the showers), the labels (had to buy a new printer and source new see through labels), sorting each image for the website (using Photoshop - ARRGGGHH), writing the blurb (trying not to repeat myself and make them sound as nice as they are) etc. etc. etc.  All the items are selling really well at markets and fairs so I know they are good and liked very much.

So finally -

Naturally Made Soaps bath and shower products are born

Please do go and have a look - I really want to know what you think.  I still have to put my new lip balms up and there are some items missing but I really am nearly there.
Thanks for looking - all comments gratefully received

(By the way, I just went to put my two remaining chickens to bed tonight and they are cuddled up together, head to tail in one nest box - they look so sweet)

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