Friday, April 8, 2011

IMPORTANT warning to all soapmakers out there - please read

Hi there everyone in the soap world.  I received this warning today and decided that it was important enough to put straight on the blog.  I have had a couple of similar requests too, seemingly very flattering, they want your product shipped out to Hong Kong, Poland, China etc. and ask what payment options you accept.  They want you to take credit cards so that they can make a payment in full, you send the goods and they then cancel the payment so you are left with nothing!  Delete them or just let them know that you accept direct BACS or bank transfers only.

If you have any examples of this kind of thing do let Elizabeth know, the more information the better.  Thank you.

Dear Member,
It has come to my attention that several members of the European Directory of Soap and Cosmetics Makers have been contacted by someone from South Korea claiming to want to buy soaps and other items. I believe this might be a scam and would like to warn all members to be wary if contacted. I'm in the process of gathering more information, and would appreciate input from all members. If you have been contacted about sending products to South Korea, or anywhere else, and feel unsure about the transaction, please let me know.
Kind regards,

Elizabeth Carnahan

An official communication from The European Directory of Soap & Cosmetics Makers
The European Directory of Soap & Cosmetics Makers
146 Glasgow Road • Longcroft • Stirlingshire • FK4 1QL • United Kingdom
Email: • Web:

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