Monday, December 14, 2009

THE Christmas parties Totnes throws are so good even the weather can't dampen the festive spirits.
Despite the early evening wind and rain the market town was packed with stalls, musicians and hundreds of party goers out to enjoy the first of three Totnes late night shopping extravaganzas.
By 7pm the rain had stopped and the party really got under way as throngs of people crowded up and down the main street, spilling over on to The Plains and into The Rotherfold.
Drummers drummed, bands played, youngsters from Berry Pomeroy Primary School sang carols and at least one busking crooner gave voice at various venues up and down the town centre.
Meanwhile, visitors were tucking into anything from burgers to Thai takeaways and mulled wine.
Totnes town clerk David Edwards, who is part of the late night shopping organisation, said: "It was the best first late night shopping Tuesday that we have had for several years.
"The number of people in the town was amazing. The main street was pulsating with people."
His comments were echoed by traders as Caroline Arscott, from Hi Ho Silver in High Street.
She said: "It was a fantastic evening. It was wet and windy early on but after 6.30pm people started to come out and have a really good time.
"People were very happy and we were very pleased with the way business went."
Tom Welch, who works at Julian Graves in Fore Street, said: "It was a very good atmosphere. It was perhaps not as busy as it has been in the past but there were lots of people here. It's always worth opening on late night shopping and it was a good night."
Pet and Garden Centre boss Mike Sealey, said: "It was one of the best first late night Tuesdays that we have had.
"It dried up and there was a great atmosphere. Everyone was here to enjoy themselves."
He said that people were putting the Totnes late night shopping events in their diaries and some were coming from miles around to enjoy it.
The main street was closed to traffic and the evening shopping event included a town market as well as stalls lining the High Street, Fore Street, The Plains and The Rotherfold.

Its all set to be repeated again tonight and next Tuesday night (15th & 22nd December) and NATURALLY MADE SOAPS will be there.  I am bringing out my fantastic new Limited Edition Range, Flower Power, made especially for Totnes and next week, the last of the Christmas Festival evenings, I will be bringing something really special, whole Christmas Spice Cake Soaps to be cut up in front of your eyes!  We will, of course, be bringing the usual soap delights, Snowballs in a Snowdrift, Mini Mince Pies and my famous White Chocolate and Strawberry Gateaux, to name a few.  So come and see Rik and I, our stall is bright orange and right opposite the Civic Hall Square, its going to be a great night tonight!

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