Monday, July 13, 2009

We've Moved!

I know there has been nothing but radio silence on this end. But there is good reason. Nora, the kids and I have finally moved to our new digs and we are unpacking and settling in. We spent most of last week getting transitioned into the new house, and we are about 97% there. As a matter of fact, I am writing this post from our new screened in porch. (Take that, small Lakewood backyards!)

We plan on getting a new show in very soon, but as luck would have it, I lost the best and most expensive mic between here and the new house. I remember unhooking it and putting it into the podcasting duffel bag, but when I unpacked it, the mic was nowhere to be found. I have some other mics I can use, but that one was pretty special. In any event, we plan on getting back onto the podcasting bandwagon again very soon. Thanks for sticking with us, those who have. Your patience will be rewarded!

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