Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flight of The Conchords Poster Contest

Flight of The Conchords
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
I am entering the Flight of the Conchords poster contest with this little entry. I spent way too much time on this poster and probably should have been doing something else. And I'll probably end up doing more. But for now, it is what it is.

While I'm on the subject of contests, a huge congrats go out to Adam Koford and Marcus Parcus, two of the original hobo artists who won this years New Yorker Eustace Tilley Contest. As you may remember, I won with one of my entries in last years contest. I missed out on the deadline for this one, mostly because it wasn't run through Flickr. But I love all the winning entries, especially Marcus' Watchmen-inspired image. Too cool!

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