Friday, March 14, 2008

Modern Day Superheroes Fight Real Crime

I saw this story this afternoon, and while it does seem a little kooky and ridiculous, I have to admire these guys for trying to make a difference on the streets.
"Don’t be alarmed if you see two masked men walking the streets of San Diego over the next few days. Not if they go by the names Mr. Extreme and Shadow Hare. The duo call themselves “Real Life Superheroes.” This week, their mission is to find the suspect accused of attacking people with a skateboard in the Chula Vista area. Mr. Extreme and Shadow Hare patrol during the day and night warning community members to be on alert"
The kid whose superhero moniker is Shadow Hare was taking some ribbing from the reporter on FOX news for his name, until he explained it represented a meek creature who has secret powers. It was actually a pretty good explanation. See the full story here.

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